Category: informaticsinformatics

Ai voice generators and their usage in the fields of life


Ai voice generators and their
usage in the fields of life
made by us


some information about this
Today we want to tell you about voice generation
AIs. Innovations in the sphere of AI development
have truly expanded the boundaries of what is
possible. Chatbots can lead the discussions,
image generators can create a picture that you
want and voice generators can give sound to your


everyday use in
Of course, the first thing the Internet has done once
they have laid their hands on a more open and available
version of this new exciting technology is… Memes. If
you thought that it would be something illegal you don’t
know the internet well enough. Here are some




sound specialized programs
Some of the open and commercially available
voicegen AIs include ElevenLabs, resemble.ai,
murf.ai and many others. Here how their works


just a black insert


practical use
Moving to our next point.We want to talk about
more beneficial uses of this technology: people,
who suffer from blindness, cannot fully interact
with modern computer interfaces and those
voice generation AIs can help them by reading
aloud interactable parts of the interface and
other important text.ai and many others. Here
how their works sound.


useful information
So, how exactly does this generation work? Well firstly, the speech
engines take the audio input and recognize sound waves produced by a
human voice. This information is then translated into language data,
which is called Automatic Speech Recognition. After acquiring this data, it
must then analyze it to understand the meaning of the words it has
collected, which is called Natural-Language Generation.
AI has advanced to the point where it can understand human
communication to the point where it can determine the appropriate
response. AI does this by analyzing a large volume of human speech. So
once the TTS engine has created the answer in text form, this can then be
translated back into natural sounding speech. After understanding the
context of the text response, it produces the necessary speech sounds or
Using AI-powered TTS over older methodologies has enabled a more
accurate sequence of phonemes, organizing them based on their
different frequency bands


just a black insert


useful information
Thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence, particularly deep
learning, we’ve been able to produce accurate replications of voices. But
this only made possible by two things:
Powerful hardware with cloud computing capabilities to process and
render in a timely and efficient manner
Extensive training data of the targeted voice from which models can
leverage to create an accurate voice clone
With the proper AI and developmental expertise and tools, it really
comes down to the latter. You need a large amount of recorded speech to
have enough data to train the voice model. The information around the
voice is stored in an embedding, a fairly low-dimensional space where
you can translate discrete variables into high-dimensional vectors
In other words, it makes it easier to work with large inputs with machine
learning models.


useful information
FInally, the real benefits. This technology also sees a large use in
commercial projects: imagine that a studio needs one specific actor
for their upcoming project, but that actor has a very busy schedule.
So the studio might just take the sample bank of their voice and
generate needed lines of text. For example James Earl Jones, voice
of Darth Vader, gave permission to Disney to use his works as VA of
Darth Vader to generate voice model in case he wouldn’t be
available to do it himself.



useful information
But such advanced technologies are not without their dangers. Even
at this stage you can quite literally put words into someone's mouth
if you have a large enough sample of their voice and people would
have a hard time trying to distinguish between a real person’s
speech or AI generated one. Not to mention ethical concerns of
adding people in less than pleasant projects against their will using
AI generating voice and deepfake technologies if needed. Many
governments look into regulations regarding enforcing fair use of AI
generation technologies and many projects take steps towards selfregulations to prevent abuse




In conclusion, this new technology opens
a vast field of exciting possibilities that
were previously thought to be just a
fantasy. But we must be careful not to
misuse it. If you have any questions, we
would be happy to answer them
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