
Ryazan State District. Power Plant


Ryazan State District
Power Plant
Performed by:
Glazunov Alexander


Ryazan GRES
Ryazan GRES occupies the sixth position
in the list of the most powerful thermal
power plants in Russia, in the European
part of Russia it is second only to
Kostroma GRES. The station consists of 7
power units.
To cool the turbine condensers, water is
used from a reservoir built on the Pronya
The main fuel of the station is coal,
natural gas; the backup fuel is fuel oil.


History of the creation and operation of the station
The construction of the Ryazan
GRES was started in 1968. The
future construction site was
marked out and a sign with the
inscription "Ryazan GRES will be
built here" was installed.


1971. The laying of
concrete in the base of the
main building of the
station has begun. A
capsule with an appeal to
the youth of the year 2000
is installed in one of the
reinforcement cells.


1972. The construction of a high-rise
chimney with a height of 320 meters has


1973. The final closure of the Proni riverbed was carried out to create a
reservoir. The construction of the chimney has been completed. On
December 2, power unit No. 1 came into operation, on December 21 No. 2. The project fuel is black lignite extracted in the Moscow and
Kansk—Achinsk coal basins.


In June 1974, the first stage
of the GRES was fully put
into operation, the installed
capacity of 4 units of the
station reached 1,200 MW.


1974. Work has begun on the
construction of the second stage of the
On December 22, 1980, power unit No. 5
came into operation.
On December 31, 1981, power unit No. 6
was put into operation.
Since 2008, the Ryazan GRES has been
part of the 7th power unit located next
door GRES-24 with an installed capacity
of 310 MW.


At the end of 1984, power units No. 5 and No. 6 were switched to gas. Boilers P-59 of the 1st
stage have been transferred to the joint combustion of coal and natural gas.
By 2008, the main equipment of the first stage was reconstructed, which had developed a
design resource. Reconstruction was carried out on the blocks of the 2nd stage with the
introduction of new automated control systems.
In 2010, the superstructure of the steam-powered power unit of the former GRES-24 with a
gas turbine was completed.
At the end of 2015, the modernization of the 2nd power unit was completed. A new K-330
steam turbine (manufactured by LMZ), a TVV-350 turbo generator (manufactured by the
Electrosila plant) and auxiliary units were installed, the boiler was reconstructed.


Two reinforced concrete chimneys of the Ryazan GRES with
a height of 320 meters are among the ultra-high buildings,
each of them is the 28th tallest chimney in the world[8].
One metal chimney working for 7 power units (formerly
GRES—24) has a height of 180 meters and is equipped with
dynamic vibration dampers. During the overhaul of
reinforced concrete pipe No. 2, another metal chimney with
a height of 180 meters was erected, in 2016 it was
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