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Profession of the future. Developer of cyber prostheses and implants


profession of the future
matrosova daria


Developer of cyber prostheses and implants
a medical engineer working
with designers and roboticists
to create bionic prostheses.


First, such a specialist creates a project for a bionic prosthesis or organ. He studies the
bioelectrical impulses that connect the human nervous and muscular systems, and
figure out how to connect them to the prosthesis. For example, in order for fingers to
move on a prosthesis, special myo-sensors are built into it. They read the electrical
potential of the remaining muscle tissue and send a signal to the prosthesis - this is
where the movement occurs. Then the specialist creates a 3D model for the printer.
He models the device according to individual parameters and prepares for
painting.Further, the developer selects suitable materials: biologically compatible,
with symbiotic potential, which the body will not reject. It is important to “relate” the
person and his prosthesis as much as possible so that the construction made of plastic
and metal becomes a full-fledged part of the body.


As Ilya Chekh explained to RBC Trends, a developer of cyberprostheses
should understand electronics, programming, materials science, design,
biophysics and neurophysiology. Here are some of his main skills:
● writing and debugging code;
● project management and design of mechanisms, prototypes, layouts,
● work with 3D printers and 3D modeling programs;
● installation and control of the prosthesis;
● intercultural communication;
● ecological and systems thinking;
● patient observation.


there are very few developers of
cyberprostheses in our country,
only a couple of hundred for the
whole of Russia. They usually
come from related industries
such as medicine or engineering.
It takes several months to finish
training such an employee, and
three to five years to train from
scratch. The faster the market
grows, the more universities will
train such specialists.


A technical education will help to form a general
understanding of robotics and all its components:
programming, electronics and design. And after that, you can
begin to understand medicine - take courses or enter the
medical faculties "medical cybernetics", "biotechnical systems
and technologies".
Salaries: how much does a developer of
cyberprostheses and implants get*
Beginner: 40000 ₽ per month
Experienced: 70000 ₽ per month
Professional: 150000 ₽ per month


● https://trends.rbc.ru/trends/education/60ec271c
● https://vuzopedia.ru/professii/1990
● https://trends.rbc.ru/trends/education/5d6e4852
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