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Traditions of India
Traditions of India (TradycjeIndii)
Świętowanie śmierci of ademon at the Bani
Celebrating the death of a demon at the hands of the god
Shiva, this spiritual holiday is one of the few of its kind gdzie
uczestnicy mogą doznać poważnych obrażeń.At midnight, the
ritual begins, and wszyscy uczestnicy rozpoczynają to beat
each other with sticks from a hardened tree.
Snakes bardzo ważne in the culture of India. ResidentsSnake Festival
from all corners of the country gather to worship living
cobras in swiątynie i ulice.
Theemithi, the ritual ofwalking in flames
Is a Hindu religious practice gdzie
wielbiciele walk across a fire pit in
exchange for a wish or blessing
granted by the goddess
Draupadi.Theemithi is part of
a większa ceremonia stretching
over a two-and-a-half month
period during which parts of the
Mahabharata are re-enacted,
totalling up to 18 distinguishable
The Pushkar Ca-mel FairThe Pushkar Camel Fair in Pushkar,
India, is celebrated at the
beginning of the Hindu month of
Kartik and tego roku, it’s from
November 20 to 28. The Pushkar
Camel fair was set up as sposób na
przyciągnięcie the tradesmen and
cattle herders who attended the
Jallikattuis a traditional event in which a
bull, such as the
Pulikulam or Kangayam breeds, is
released into a tłum ludzi. Multiple
human participants attempt to
grab the duży garb on the bull's
back with both arms and hang on
to it while the bull attempts to
You will be attacked by acow in Howardhan Puja
One najbardziej znane elements of
Hindu culture is the fact that cows
are considered sacred within this
religion. As soon as the cows are
fully decorated, the wieśniacy leżą
z przodu of them on the ground in
order to step on them, in this way,
they believe they can convince the
gods to answer their prayers.
Attend a wedding wherethere is no groom
In many states in India, when a
young woman reaches puberty, her
family, przyjaciele i
sąsiedzi celebrate a fake wedding
in which there is no groom. It's just
that a young woman dresses in
traditional marriage clothes, and a
ceremony is trzymane wskazując,
że jest gotowa to start life as a
Aadi PerukkuThe festival coincides with
the roczne odświeżania of the
rivers and to pay tribute to water's
life-sustaining properties. It
is obchodzone w pobliżu river
basins, water tanks, lakes and
wells, etc. of Tamil Nadu when the
water level in them rises
significantly heralding the onset of
Thaipoosam1. This ritual, which is obchodzone w
częściach of southern India and in
the city of Tamil Nadu during Thai
month, is part of a festival that
marks the moment when
Karthikeya, son of Parvati and Shiva,
was struck with a spear to destroy
the evil army sent by
Tarakasura.After a 48-hour hunger
strike, Thaipoosam participants
pierce ich ciała with hooks, pigtails
and special nails