
Intellectual games as a means of organizing educational leisure of schoolchildrens


Master’s profile of Salchak Svetlana


Good afternoon everybody! Thank you for coming to
my talk today.
My name is Svetlana Salchak. I’m a second - year
masters student in the “Education Pedagogy of leisure
activities” program at Novosibirsk State Pedagogical
University (NSPU)


Topic of my dissertation is “INTELLECTUAL GAMES AS A MEANS OF
The game is a multifaceted phenomenon, it can be considered as a special form of
existence of all aspects of the life of the team, without exception, which is very
important for the student (person). it develops a sense of duty and responsibility, a
desire for mutual assistance, solidarity, a habit of subordinating personal interests to
the interests of the collective.


The opinion of the peer group, the assessment by the group of the actions and
behavior of the student (person) are very important for him. as a rule, the public
assessment of the class team (team) means more to the teenager than the opinion of
teachers or parents, and he usually reacts very sensitively to the friendly influence of
the team of comrades. the use of intellectual games and exercises in the classroom
(various events) contributes to the development of cognitive interests, thought
processes and positive motivation for schoolchildren to learn.


It follows that the use of educational games and exercises in the classroom is an
integral part of the educational process. At present, the conditions for the effectiveness
of the practical application of developing games and exercises in the classroom in the
middle and high school have not been studied well enough. there is a significant
difference between the game and art: the game is the mastery of skills, training,
modeling activities, a distinctive feature of the game is the presence of a system of
rules of conduct.


Hence, the problem of research is what are the conditions for the effective use of
intellectual games and exercises in the classroom in the middle grades of the school (as
leisure for adults). purpose of the study: to identify the conditions for the effectiveness
of the use of intellectual and exercises in the learning process (as a means of leisure for


Contradiction: low motivation for learning among schoolchildren and insufficient
resource base in school education to raise the motivation for learning among
The use of intellectual games and exercises in the classroom (various events)
contributes to the development of cognitive interests, thought processes and positive
motivation for schoolchildren to learn.


It follows that the use of educational games and exercises in the classroom is an
integral part of the educational process. At present, the conditions for the effectiveness
of the practical application of developing games and exercises in the classroom in the
middle and high school have not been studied well enough.


Thank you for your attention!
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