Category: englishenglish

The Red Winter


Ukraine :
The Red Winter
Directed by Charles Comiti


Ukraine :
la résistance au coeur de l'enfer
In total immersion...
The Russian counter-offensive sweeps
over the Donbas. While kyiv had
managed to take over many strategic
cities from Eastern and Southern
Ukraine, Moscow rushes to regain
ground. the Kremlin has changed its
strategy in the face of irreducible. He
tirelessly sends waves of enemies on
the front to use and demoralize the
finds of kyiv. Some say that Russia is
inexhaustible but they forget a fierce
resistance and a unprecedented
courage on the part of the people
Ukrainian that lasts and grows from
the beginning of the conflict.


Ukraine :
la résistance au coeur de l'enfer
It's a race against time. Vladimir Putin's army has just mobilized 500,000
reservists who are marching towards Ukraine at this very moment. But this
is not the only enemy. Temperatures drop to -20 degrees in the Donbass
where the battles have never been so violent.
It was this freezing winter that killed
Napoleon's army and which will be
decisive until the Raspoutitsa in the
spring of 2023. The roads will be
impassable and it will be daunting for the
two armies to take positions opponents.
Will Ukraine hold out? Will she face
Putin's new strategy?


Ukraine :
la résistance au coeur de l'enfer
We will be immersed on these icy and
infernal fronts with Ukrainian soldiers, night
and day for 1 week. We will also follow the
evolution of Alexander. A 20-year-old
former student who completes his training
before going to the front where he will fight
alongside the soldiers of Battalion 111. We
will also be with these young "paramedic"
women who cross the front at full speed to
rescue, to treat, to save.


How does war transform the innocence of youth? This is the
question that the main character of this documentary will
answer. We will film Alexander's last moments in his civilian
life. Before the war, he was still a law student and joined a
relief organization for war victims. But for 1 month he
decided to go to the front to defend his country. His last
days of training, His farewells with his family, his friends,
his loved ones will be the first moments of our document.
This will only be the beginning of a one-way trip to hell.
Because for 3 weeks, he will have to face the most deadly
front lines of the 21st century. In addition to facing freezing
cold day and night, he will have to survive the rains of
Russian bombs that will fall on his position, not to mention
the waves of offensives from the Kremlin army. How will a
22-year-old university student turn into a soldier overnight?
Will he ever come back? And in what condition?
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