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Gadget or new technologies
Presentation2. 2
The most important inventionsthat have changed our life.
What modern inventions do
people use in everyday life and
what are they for?
A digital camera
A laptop
A Mobile phone
A Microwave oven
Games console
Personal Computer
A Washing machine
3. E - books
Can E-books replace printed books?4. I-Phone
Computers are playing the most important part inpeoples lives.
They offer people a lot of possibilities to develop their
imagination, memory and many other mental abilities.
6. Computers
allow to access the latest of informationreally quickly
Interaction with the world is a great
advantage of a computer
Large amounts of information become
available through them.
With technology changing all the time, how canwe keep up with all the latest gadgets?
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a weekly TV
programme that told us all about the latest
technology, how it works, how much it costs
and whether it is any good? Here’s the good
news! There is a show like that and it’s called
The GadgetShow.
The Gadget Show airs on Channel Five in the UK
and it is also available on satellite TV and
through the Internet via its website. This
popular show lasts for an hour and it is now in
its tenth year.
The presenters of the show are Jon Bentley, JasonBradbury and Suzi Perry. Each week they actually
test all the latest gadgets and tell viewers what is
worth buying. There is a challenge each week for
the presenters to test a certain gadget to the
limits. Also, there is a test that judges an item on a
number of levels to find the best product in a
certain category. In addition, one lucky viewer
each week wins all the latest gadgets and
electronics in the programme’s competition.
So, if you want to learn about new technology or if
you’d like to know the best brand (of the latest
gadget) to buy, watch The Gadget Show.