Category: englishenglish

My favorite gadget


My favorite gadget
Koralev Nikita 9B class
School №47


Personal Computer (PC)
My favorite gadget is a computer. I use it often. The computer is my
assistant in different situations. Firstly, a computer is access to the
Internet, I can use any information without leaving my room and
without wasting time searching in other sources. Thanks to the
computer, I can read any fairy tale, any story, watch any movie, listen
to any song. I am a music lover and cannot live without music, PC
music platforms like Spotify help me with this. When I'm bored, I play
video games, there are a lot of them and they are suitable for anyone.


The first time I got acquainted with a
computer was at a party, at about 6
years old. I was given a PC at the age of
7. Since then, he has helped me many
times in my studies. Wrote reports,
abstracts with the help of it. A year ago,
I finished studying the basic knowledge
of the Python programming
language. I have accumulated a lot of
experience in using a PC all the time.


The history of computers is short but very
complicated. Computers have been
through lot of changes throughout the
past half-century. They also affect our
society in many different ways today. The
following paper describes how the
computers have changed from 1970 to
present. During 1970, Intel came out with
a chip, which was the best selling
semiconductor memory chip in the world.


It is customary to call the ancestor
Charles Babbage, who was fond of
computational sciences from a young age.
Based on many years of work, he
invented a mechanism capable of
performing additions using the difference
method. His design consisted of many
bulky gears.
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