
Notable buildings in Russia


famous building in my


Palace of Soviets
• An unrealized project for the
construction of a high-rise
administrative building in Moscow
for holding sessions of the
Supreme Soviet of the USSR and
mass demonstrations. The plan of
the architect Boris Iofan assumed
that the height of the Palace of
Soviets, together with the
hundred-meter statue of Vladimir
Lenin crowning it, would be 415 m.
Palace of Soviets


Palace of Soviets
• In 1931, at the site
of the proposed
construction of the
Palace of Soviets,
the Cathedral of
Christ the Savior
was blown up,
preparatory work
began the very next
Demolition of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, 1931


Creation idea
• The competition for the design of
the Palace of Soviets was held in
1956-1958, another site was
prepared for it in the south-west
of Moscow.The idea of building
the Palace of Soviets in the capital
was first voiced in 1922 by Sergei
Kirov at the First All-Union
Congress of Soviets, held in the
building of the Bolshoi Theater
Sergei Mironovich Kirov


Creation idea
• The majestic building was to become
"an emblem of the coming power, the
triumph of communism not only
here, but also there, in the West."
According to Anatoly Lunacharsky,
People's Commissar of Education, the
palace was originally conceived as the
architectural dominant of the city, "to
give Moscow some final building, to
give Moscow - the red center of the
world - a visible architectural center."
Lunacharsky Anatoly Vasilievich


Closed competition in 1931
• The plan was to present two halls - the Big
and the Small. Architects - Leonid Pavlov and
Mikhail Kuznetsov, as well as various
associations participated in the competition.
Architects Boris Iofan, Dmitry Iofan, Nikolai
Ladovsky, Alexander Nikolsky and others were
also involved in the participation. In the end,
the Construction Department of the Palace of
Soviets accepted 15 projects for
Palace plan by Vladimir Shchuko, 1932


Winning Project
• The final design differed from Boris
Iofan's original work. The height of the
building was increased from 250 to 415
meters, and the number of cylindrical
tiers was increased to five. Shchuko and
Gelfreich supplemented the project with
pylons, which were placed at the base of
each tier. The Palace of the Soviets was
supposed to significantly exceed the
height of the tallest American skyscraper,
the Empire State Building, at 381 meters.
Parade near the Palace of Soviets,
painting by Alexander Kotyagin


Unrealized project
• The foundation of the palace was completed in
1939, but due to the outbreak of World War II,
the project was frozen. In 1941-1942, the steel
structures of the Palace of Soviets were
dismantled and used during the defense of
Moscow for the construction of bridges, after
which the project was never realized. In 1960,
in the foundation of the original Palace of the
Soviets, the world's largest outdoor winter pool
"Moskva" was opened, which worked until the
1990s, after its closure, a temple was restored
on this site
Cathedral of Christ the Savior now


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