
Gowska Castle


Gowska Castle


History of the castle
Wooden and later stone defensive structures
were built on a sandstone rock, where the
castle of Gouska stands in the IX century. The
founder is the governor Slavibor, whose son
Gusek gave the name of the fortress. The
structure, which has survived to the present
time, was erected in 1270-1280 by the will of
King Przemysl Otakar II. At the end of the XVI
century, the castle underwent reconstruction
in the Renaissance style.
It is believed that King Wenceslaus II gave
Gouska into the possession of the noble Berk
family. In the XV century, the castle was
owned by representatives of the Smirnitsky,
Waldstein family, Counts Sulza and


Legends of the castle
Czech historian Augustin Sedlacek wrote:
"On a high mountain stood an ancient
castle, famous not only for its buildings,
but also for its picturesque location and
the mystery surrounding it." According to
legend, Gouska Castle hides the entrance
to the underworld. Presumably, there are
many underground passages leading to hell
under the castle. The way to the
mysterious dungeon was opened by a gate,
regarding the location of which there are
several versions. According to one of them,
the gate was located on a rock near the
castle, where a Baroque church used to be


Legends of the castle
According to another version, the gate was
located directly under the floor of the prayer
hall in the castle, and it is no coincidence that
visitors to this room feel unwell and often lose
consciousness. According to the third version, it
was possible to get to hell by diving into a well
in the courtyard of the castle. The walls of the
well depict the main fighters against the devil
— archangels Michael and Gabriel. According
to legend, one prisoner was promised freedom
if he went down into the well. He was raised
into the light, having lost his mind, he told
about an unpleasant smell and terrible
screams. Later, the well was filled in


The Black Alchemist, time travel, the secret
mission of the Nazis and other mysteries of the
castle of Gouska
The Gate to Hell is not the only legend associated
with the castle of Gouska. In the XVII century, it
became the headquarters of the commander of the
Swedish mercenaries of Оronto. According to
rumors, this man also practiced black magic and
conducted alchemical experiments in the castle
walls, trying to create an elixir of eternal youth. Local
residents had to constantly face the arbitrariness of
Оronto subordinates who robbed the village and
abused women. But they were much more terrified
by his magical experiments conducted directly above
the devil's portal. No one has taken it upon
themselves to predict how this could all end. So one
night two local hunters crept up to the castle and
shot Oronto through an open window.


The Black Alchemist, time travel, the secret
mission of the Nazis and other mysteries of the
castle of Gouska
Two centuries later, in 1836, after a walking tour
of the region, the Czech poet Karel Ginek Maha
spent the night in Gowska. In a dream, he was
visited by a terrible vision, which he later told in
a letter to his friend. Mach described how his
soul descended into the pit, and then was
transported to the hellish mechanized future,
Prague 2006. He wandered around the city in
terror and despair. Then he met a girl who
showed him moving pictures in a small box. And
after that, darkness fell, and he had to walk past
high rectangular rocks pierced with holes that
radiated an eerie yellow light


The Black Alchemist, time travel, the secret
mission of the Nazis and other mysteries of the
castle of Gouska
It is also known that German troops captured Houska
Castle during the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia. They
were located in a building that for several years had no
military—strategic significance - before the
counteroffensive of the Russian army. But what were they
doing here? Of course, before retreating, the Nazis
destroyed all official documents. But given Hitler's
interest in the occult sciences, it can be assumed that the
German occupiers were carrying out a special task of their
Fuhrer related to the experimental study of the legendary
"Gates of Hell". According to another assumption, the
Nazis turned Gouska Castle into a kind of "human farm"
for the production of representatives of the higher race: it
was here that selected women of "decent blood" bore
and gave birth to children from German servicemen.
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