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Природные зоны России
Тема урока:«Природные зоны России.
Natural zones of Russia»
Учитель английского языка 1 квалификационной категории
Свеженцева Олеся Витальевна
Учитель начальных классов 1 квалификационной категории
Стаханова Лариса Юрьевна
The zone of Arctic desert4.
The zone of tundra5.
The zone of taiga6.
The zone of forests7.
The zone of steppes8.
The zone of deserts9.
The climate (климат) of thiszone is warm in summer and
cold in winter. It’s rainy and lots
of (много) trees grow.
In this zone it’s cold in summer. Thewinter is cold, snowy and windy.There is
little(мало) grass and few flowers but lots
of lakes and swamps(болото).
In this zone it’s very hot insummer. There are no flowers
and grass. There is a lot of sand
or clay (глина).
In this zone it’s very warm insummer. There is a lot of
flowers and grass. In winter it’s
cold, windy and snowy.
In this zone it’s very cold windyall the year (весь год). There is
a lot snow and ice (лед).
Russia is a very big country (страна). There aredifferent natural zones in different parts of Russia.
For example, the Arctic zone, the zone of tundra, the
zone of taiga, the zone of forests, the zone of
steppes and the zone of deserts (пустыни).
Many animals live in these zones. Different animals
live in different places (места). Squirrels and owls
(совы) live on the top of the trees (на вершинах
деревьев). Some animals like bears< foxes, wolves
and bears live on the land (на земле). There are
many birds (птицы) in the forest.
In steppes there aren’t trees but a lot of grass
(трава). Cranes (журавль), bustards (дрофа) live in
steppes Animals in steppes are small and live in the
land in the holes. Ground squirrels (суслик),
hamsters (хомяки), marmots (сурки) live there.