Category: geographygeography

Mountain Elbrus


Mountain Elbrus
Presented by Karim 9b


Height of Elbrus
• The height of Elbrus reaches 5642 m
above sea level.
• It was possible to conquer Elbrus for
the first time in 1829 .
• Elbrus has 2 peaks, the height
difference of which does not exceed
21 m. 23 glaciers flow down from the
slopes of the mountain, with a total
area of more than 130 km2.


Elbrus is home to
the highest
mountain hotel on
earth. It is called
the "Shelter of the
Eleven" and is
located at an
altitude of 4100 m
above sea level.


Elbrus rock type
Elbrus is a stratovolcano.
For a long time it was
considered extinct, but in
recent years scientists
have had to reconsider
their views.


Other interesting
Elbrus was among the «Seven
Wonders of Russia».
The absolute minimum
temperature recorded on
Elbrus is -27 C.
From the top of Elbrus you can
see the Caspian and Black Seas.
In certain places, Elbrus is
covered with a 400-meter layer
of ice.


The end
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