Category: englishenglish

Consonants [θ] & [ð]


presented by Anastasiia Rodina & Aleksandra Epova


Characteristics of [θ]
◦ According to the degree of noise - noise
◦ According to the manner of articulation - constrictive
◦ According to the work of the vocal cords - voiceless
◦ According to the force of articulation – strong (fortis)
◦ According to the place of articulation- lingual,
forelingual apical, dental
◦ According to the position of the soft palate - oral


◦The /θ/ phoneme is normally spelled with
the letters ‘th’ as in the words:
◦three /θriː/
◦something /’sʌmθɪŋ/
◦month /mʌnθ/
◦both /bəʊθ/


◦ To make /θ/, place the tip of
your tongue between your
upper and lower teeth. It should
not stick out very far. Push air
out of your mouth between
your tongue and your teeth.
You should feel some friction
(resistance). Do not vibrate your
vocal cords.


Comparison with Russian
There is no sound similar to the sound [θ] in
Russian language.


Tongue twisters: [θ]
1.Three thin panthers in the bathroom.
[θriː θɪn ˈpænθəz ɪn ðə ˈbɑːθru(ː)m]
2. I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought
I thought.
[aɪ θɔːt ə θɔːt. bʌt ðə θɔːt aɪ θɔːt wɒznt ðə θɔːt aɪ θɔːt aɪ θɔːt]
3. Aunt Beth has thick cheeks, thin lips, three teeth, and thin mouth.
[ɑːnt bɛθ hæz θɪk ʧiːks, θɪn lɪps, θriː tiːθ, ænd θɪn maʊθ]
4. They threw three thick things.
[ðeɪ θruː θriː θɪk θɪŋz]
5. The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout
[ðə ˈθɜːti-θriː θiːvz θɔːt ðæt ðeɪ θrɪld ðə θrəʊn θru(ː)ˈaʊt ˈθɜːzdeɪ]


New things to learn,
New things to see,
New things to hear,
New things to do
In this happy New Year!
[njuː θɪŋz tuː lɜːn,
njuː θɪŋz tuː siː,
njuː θɪŋz tuː hɪə,
njuː θɪŋz tuː duː
ɪn ðɪs ˈhæpi njuː jɪə]
Words that go together:
Thick and thin,
Money and banks
Please and thanks,
Thumb and finger,
Thorn and anger,
Needle and thread,
Mother and dad,
Thunder and lightning.
These pairs are so
[wɜːdz ðæt gəʊ təˈgɛðə:
θɪk ænd θɪn,
ˈmʌni ænd bæŋks
pliːz ænd θæŋks,
θʌm ænd ˈfɪŋgə,
θɔːn ænd ˈæŋgə,
ˈniːdl ænd θrɛd,
ˈmʌðər ænd dæd,
ˈθʌndər ænd ˈlaɪtnɪŋ.
ðiːz peəz ɑː səʊ ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ!]


Idiomatic expressions
1. A Thumb-nail sketch - a brief description or a small scale drawing
[ə ˈθʌmneɪl skɛʧ]
2. Neck or nothing - every risk must be taken
[nɛk ɔː ˈnʌθɪŋ]
3. When things heat up between people - when a relationship becomes
[wɛn θɪŋz hiːt ʌp bɪˈtwiːn ˈpiːpl]
4. Great growth - a positive change in the production of goods or services
[greɪt grəʊθ]
5. Throw light on something – to reveal something about
someone/something, to clarify something
[θrəʊ laɪt ɒn ˈsʌmθɪŋ]


Academic text
◦ The growth of cities and suburbs is often seen as a threat to the environment. However,
in fact, the increasing amount of land consumed by agriculture is a far greater danger
than urban sprawl. Stopping the growth of farms is the best way to preserve many of the
world's remaining wild areas. Thanks to the growth of agricultural productivity,
reforestation and ‘re-wilding’ have been underway in the industrial countries for
generations. Since 1950 more land in the US has been set aside in parks than has been
occupied by urban and suburban growth. And much of what was farmland in the
nineteenth century is now forest again. It has been calculated that less than a tenth of
present cropland could support a population of 10 billion.
◦ [ðə grəʊθ ɒv ˈsɪtiz ænd ˈsʌbɜːbz ɪz ˈɒf(ə)n siːn æz ə θrɛt tuː ði ɪnˈvaɪərənmənt. haʊˈɛvə, ɪn
fækt, ði ɪnˈkriːsɪŋ əˈmaʊnt ɒv lænd kənˈsjuːmd baɪ ˈægrɪkʌlʧər ɪz ə fɑː ˈgreɪtə ˈdeɪnʤə
ðæn ˈɜːbən sprɔːl. ˈstɒpɪŋ ðə grəʊθ ɒv fɑːmz ɪz ðə bɛst weɪ tuː prɪˈzɜːv ˈmɛni ɒv ðə wɜːldz
rɪˈmeɪnɪŋ waɪld ˈeərɪəz. θæŋks tuː ðə grəʊθ ɒv ˌægrɪˈkʌlʧərəl ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvɪti, ˌriːˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃən
ænd riː-ˈwaɪldɪŋ hæv biːn ˌʌndəˈweɪ ɪn ði ɪnˈdʌstrɪəl ˈkʌntriz fɔː ˌʤɛnəˈreɪʃənz. sɪns 1950
mɔː lænd ɪn ðə juːˈɛs hæz biːn sɛt əˈsaɪd ɪn pɑːks ðæn hæz biːn ˈɒkjʊpaɪd baɪ ˈɜːbən
ænd səˈbɜːbən grəʊθ. ænd mʌʧ ɒv wɒt wɒz ˈfɑːmlænd ɪn ðə ˈnaɪnˈtiːŋθ ˈsɛnʧʊri ɪz naʊ
ˈfɒrɪst əˈgɛn. ɪt hæz biːn ˈkælkjʊleɪtɪd ðæt lɛs ðæn ə tɛnθ ɒv ˈprɛznt ˈkrɒplənd kʊd səˈpɔːt
ə ˌpɒpjʊˈleɪʃən ɒv 10 ˈbɪljən.]
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