Category: pedagogypedagogy

Silly rules in scholls of different countries


Silly rules in scholls of
different countries
Made by Greek (Stavros Baris)


1. Ban on relationships
• Nowadays, dating someone is common among girls and
boys and, apparently, that's a distract from their studies.
Taking this matter on a serious note, many japanese
academies strictly imposed a ban on relationships so that
pupils can concentrate on their education.


2. No high fives and hugs
• It's normal when we are sitting in a group and someone
throws amazing jokes or when as a team we win on
something we do high fives and hugs or we meet friends
after long vacations we give hugs to each other. But in
England and the United States, some schools imposed
strict ban on these physical contacts. They think it
interferes with the students’ academic experience. Many
parents were not in favour of this rule.


3. Students allowed to use washroom
only three times per semester
• What would be the first reaction if you were asked to
study in a school where students are only allowed to
use the bathroom only three times during the class
per semester. Of course, you will say nooooo! But
there is Evergreen Park High School in Chicago that
imposed this rule on it's students in 2011 to make sure
students don't miss valuable class time.
• According to one student, one of her classmates
facing the problem, "She had to go to the bathroom
twice, and then the teacher gave her a real big deal
about it. And it was something that was blown out of
proportion and she got escorted by the security," said
student Sam B


4. A curtain divider between
male and female students
• Recently this picture went viral on the
internet where Male and female students
attend class under new classroom
conditions at Avicenna University in Kabul,
Afghanistan, divided in the middle by a
curtain. That means girls and boys can not
sit together in school and college


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