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Best relaxation techniques


Best relaxation
Anton Nesterov


Deep Breathing
• If are you distracted? Try deep breathing. A simple yet powerful
relaxation technique, deep breathing involves taking slow, long,
deep breaths and as you do so, you focus on disengaging your
mind from distracting sensations and thoughts. This type of
breathing exercise is particularly helpful for people with eating
disorders and sleep disorders, as it helps them to focus on their
bodies more positively. Deep breathing exercises may help
activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls
your body’s relaxation response. These exercises can be
combined with other de-stress activities, like music and
aromatherapy. The best part – it is easy to learn and can be
practiced anywhere.


Progressive Muscle Relaxation
• This is a two-way process, where you
systematically contract and relax different muscle
groups in the body. Practicing PMR (Progressive
Muscle Relaxation) regularly makes you familiar
with what complete relaxation feels like. This
enables you to react to the initial symptoms of
muscular tension accompanying stress and as
your body relaxes, so does the mind.


Body Scan Meditation
• Do you often ignore the signs your body exhibits due to stress
without realizing the seriousness of the situation? This could
lead to serious health issues shortly. Body scan meditation is a
great way to release tension that you might not even realize
your body is experiencing. The technique involves paying
attention to different body parts and bodily sensations in a
gradual sequence starting from the toe and then moving up to
the head.


Guided Imagery
• Did you know your stress levels could go down just by
drawing a scenic picture in your head? Well, that’s
exactly what ‘guided imagery’ does to you. For this
particular relaxation technique, you imagine scenic
locations and pictures in your mind to help you focus
and relax. You will find plenty of recordings of soothing
scenes online on free apps – all you need to do is
choose the image you find calming, one that has a
personal significance.


Mindfulness Meditation
• This type of relaxation technique involves sitting in a
comfortable position, focusing on your breathing and
directing the mind to the present moment without drifting
its attention to the past or future. Mindfulness meditation
can work wonders for people trying to cope with
depression, anxiety or chronic pain.


• Did you know people who exercise daily are less likely
to experience stress and anxiety than those who don’t?
This is because any sort of physical exercise reduces
the level of the stress hormone, cortisol, in your body. It
releases chemicals, known as endorphins, which
enhance mood and act as a natural pain reliever.
Moreover, exercising helps to improve the quality of
sleep that is often affected negatively due to anxiety and


• Yoga is a body-mind practice, which combines
controlled breathing, physical poses and relaxation or
meditation. It brings about mental and physical
disciplines that can help you achieve peacefulness of
mind and body. This, in turn, helps you relax and
manage stress and anxiety.


Experts suggest certain yoga postures are particularly
beneficial for reducing stress. The most common and
easy-to-practice poses are:
• Sukhasana/ Easy Pose with forwarding Bend
• Uttanasana/ Standing Forward Bend
• Sasangasana/ Rabbit Pose
• Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) with Gadurasana (Eagle
• Side Stretch
• Halasana/ Plow Pose
• Savasana/ Corpse Pose
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