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Google Corporation
1. Google Corporation
Executed:Student of group Ek/b-18-6-o
Ushakova Yaroslava
2. Company creation
Google was created as adevelopment of a scientific
project by Larry Page and
Sergey Brin. September 4,
1998 is considered the
Foundation of Google.
3. Location
Google is headquarteredin California, USA. The
exact address of the main
office is mountain view,
CA 94043. The Central
office is a complex of
buildings designed for
employees work.
4. Company logo
The current official Google logo has been in use since September 1, 2015.5. Google activity
Google is engaged in creating andimproving the Google search
engine. Google manages more than
a million servers in data centers
around the world and processes
more than one billion search
queries and 24 petabytes of user
data every day.