Lesson 2.  Why risk it? — Зачем рисковать?
Think Back! Look at sentences 1-3 in Exercise 2 and complete the rules below.
Home task ex.8
Category: englishenglish

Why risk it (lesson 2)

1. Lesson 2.  Why risk it? — Зачем рисковать?

Read, listen and talk about risk, money and
Practise expressing dissatisfaction and regret,
conditionals; money vocabulary.
Focus on criticising and showing annoyance.
Write a summary.


Ex. 1 Which situation in the cartoons involves
the most risk? What are the people thinking in
each case? Discuss in pairs.
Ex. 2 Match two of thoughts 1-8 to each

3. Think Back! Look at sentences 1-3 in Exercise 2 and complete the rules below.

1. We use I wish/If only + Past Simple to talk
about present regrets.
2. We use I wish/If only + Past Perfect to talk
about past regrets.
English     Русский Rules