Category: englishenglish

Cuba officially the Republic of Cuba




Cuba officially the Republic of Cuba ,
unofficially since 1959 — Liberty
Island, is an island country in the
Northern part of the Caribbean sea.
The country occupies the island of
Cuba as a part of the greater Antilles,
the Isle of youth and many smaller
Islands. From North America, Cuba is
separated by the Florida Strait in the
North and the Yucatan channel to the
West. The country is a member of the
UN since 1945.


Geographical position
Cuba is located at the junction of North, Central and South America, on the
island of Cuba (the largest in the West Indies), Isla de La Juventud, as well
as on the adjacent approximately 1600 small Islands and coral reefs
belonging to the group of the greater Antilles. The coastline is characterized
by deep bays and many convenient bays. The island is framed by reefs and
other coral formations.
The territory of Cuba is 110 860 km2. The island, stretching from West to
East at 1,250 km, is often compared to a lizard, whose head faces the
Atlantic, and the tail is at the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico. In the South
of Cuba is washed by the Caribbean sea, on the North-West of the Gulf of
Mexico and in the North-East Atlantic ocean. The distance from Cuba to the
U.S. in the narrowest spot of the Florida Strait is 180 km, the island of Haiti
through the Windward Strait — 77 km, to the island of Jamaica through the
Strait colon — 140 km, to Mexico through the Yucatan Strait — 210 km.


The population
11.4 million people make up the population of
the island of Freedom. Among them 95% are
Cubans are a people of mixed origin. According
to the census from 2002, the population of Cuba
is divided into three groups:
White (the descendants of Spaniards and other
European settlers) - 65%;
Mulatto - 25%;
Blacks - 10% (at the end of the 19th century
from Africa were imported Negroes slaves).


The official language
Spanish is the recognized official language of the Republic of
Most Cubans know Russian, French and English. English, German
and Italian are widely used in resort areas.
The people of Cuba is characterized by pride, they are proud of
their Homeland, proud of the language that they speak. They are
hospitable and friendly, because trying to impress tourists trying to
speak the language of the interlocutor.


Interesting facts
-Symbol Cuban flower Mariposa
-Cuba never was forbidden and prosecuted the activities of Masonic
lodges. It is the only country of the socialist camp, where the
masonry has preserved. At the moment members of the Grand Lodge
of Cuba are approximately 28,000 Cubans.
-In Havana there are state of the rock-club "Maxim Rock", which is
the centre of the informal movement of Cuba. So the local group
could receive a share of profits from the sale of tickets to a concert,
she needs to audition in a national rock Agency and receive approval.
The rest of the money raised at the events go into the budget. Lyrics
to Cuban rock musicians should not cause questions among the
censors: for example, to criticize the government banned them.


The Revolution Museum in Havana
Museum of Revolution is located in the historic center of Havana in Cuba. The former
building of the Museum was the presidential Palace complex, which served as the
residence for the reigning presidents of this country. In 1974 there was established a
Museum to preserve the history of Cuba, especially the important events of the country
1950s-1960s. Prior to that, he was placed in an ancient castle. After restoration, the
Museum acquired the neoclassical style.In the Museum of the Revolution on two
floors there are 38 exhibition halls, in which all the exhibits are arranged according to
the chronology of events. Also there are exhibitions dedicated to the revolutionary
events in Cuba, 1950-1960, pre-revolutionary Cuba and the war of independence. The
first two rooms contain objects that reflect the struggle of indigenous people against
the invaders from Spain. These halls, called "National liberation war", dedicated to the
military events of 1956-1959, when the Cubans fought against the rule of Fulgencio



View of Cuba from the plane


The center of the capital of Cuba - Havana


View of the fortress Cuba over the ocean


Sunset over the coast of Cuba


Cuevas de Bellamar
Located 3 km from the town of Matanzas, a 30-minute drive from Varadero, on
the way to Havana. The cave was discovered in 1850 by shepherds searching for
lost sheep. Underground caves found then the abode of evil forces, and only
after a hundred years of research the spirit triumphed over superstition. To make
the cave available with stroke length of 2 km, we had to clean up thousands of
tons of limestone and three weeks pumps to pump water. But after that, the
underworld has opened in the beauty of gemstones and rare crystals. For
example, the "Columbuses cloak" is a crystalline formation with a height of 12
meters, drooping folds like a curtain. Very beautiful also and "Gothic hall" underground cave with a length of 80 m and width 25 m. the Cave is quite deep
and long. Bizarre, frozen in stone, lead You deeper and deeper into the abyss of
the earth. Here are the extraordinary beauty of crystal stalactites and stalagmites
formations, the oldest of which more than 40 000 years. Frozen in stone, bizarre
visual take away in the depths of the earth, and the ceilings of the cave are dotted
with millions of twinkling colored crystals. Here flows a stream of cool, crystal
clear water.



The national Park of Baconao
This is a unique area, which is located near the province of Santiago de Cuba in
Cuba. The Park can be seen in one day, if you use the car. A feature of the
Baconao Park is a famous valley, where there are sculptures of prehistoric
animals and ancient people. The Park's name is often associated with the name
of the aborigine who belonged to pre-Hispanic tribes and lived in the area. This
young man was enchanted tree called "bacona" that gave the opportunity to
play music on the shells. All the traditions of the area originate from the time of
the discovery of Cuba. Wonderful mountain scenery, beaches, and beautiful
nature make this Cuban region is simply unforgettable. In the reserve travelers
account of a small peasant buildings that characterize the countryside of the
region. It is characterized by the Cuban buildings with thatched roofs "Bahia",
as well as original furniture.



Garden in soroa
Tourist center Soroa is truly a Paradise, which is considered a national treasure
of the Republic. In the Eastern part of the mountain range Sierra del Rosario of
Pinar del río in 1943 in the small village of Soroa a rich Spaniard decided to
create a beautiful garden. For his beloved daughter, he collected rare collection
of flowers and plants. And the fertile soil, abundant water, mild climate and
humidity from the mountains allowed him to realize his dream. Today at the
experimental floricultural station grows only 4 thousand species of orchids. It is
world's second largest greenhouse these rare exotic flowers, which size is second
only to the Conservatory in Boston. Collection of flowers has about 25,000
Orchid, originating from the most remote corners of the globe. Among them are
one hundred kinds of orchids of Cuban origin. The most famous of them - the
Black Dahlia and Chocolate Orchid. In addition to tropical beauties in a small
area of garden there are Magnolia, rose, philodendron, palm trees, exotic ferns
from around the world. Rich and fauna of the area Soroa, especially songbirds,
hummingbirds and warblers. Unique landscapes, stunning beauty of a
greenhouse in the garden attract Amateurs and professionals in Floristics.



It's hard to say why, but Cuba really
attracts like a magnet. Already
millions of wealthy people visited
the "island of Freedom" in recent
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