The republic of kazakhstan
Grammar:Comparison of adjectives/irregular adjectives
Categories: englishenglish geographygeography

The Republic of Kazakhstan

1. The republic of kazakhstan




Read the text and translate it.
The Republic of Kazakhstan is a country situated in the
centre of Eurasia and covers the area of 27 million
square km. Ranked as the ninth largest country in the
world, as well as the world's largest landlocked country,
it has a territory of 2,7 m. sq. km., greater than Western
Europe. It borders with Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan,
and China. Vast in size, the land of Kazakhstan is very diverse in types of terrain: flatlands,
steppes, rock-canyons, hills, mountains and deserts. The climate of the country is extremely
continental. Temperature ranges between -40С in winter in Northern Kazakhstan and +40C
in summer in Southern Kazakhstan.Kazakhstan declared itself as an independent country
on the 16th of December 1991. The capital of the country is Nursultan. The official
language is Kazakh. The population of the country is about 18.5 million people according
to the census in 2009. There are more than 120 nationalities live in Kazakhstan.Wheat,
barley, oat, and vegetables are cultivated in the North of Kazakhstan. In the South of the
Republic they cultivate cotton, sugar-beet, rice, tobacco and fruits.


Stock - rising is developed on the whole territory of Kazakhstan.Kazakhstan is rich
in natural resources. You can find almost all chemical elements in the territory of
the country. The richest oil fields are located in the west of Kazakhstan.There are
deposits of copper and polymetallic ores, nickel, molybdenum, rare and rareearth metals. There are large reserves of the ores of ferrous metals (iron,
manganese and chromium, chrome-iron).Power resources are as follows: the
Karagandy coal field (its capacity is more than 50 billion tons of cocking coal),
the Ekibastuz coal deposit. There exist large deposits of brown coal.Generally
speaking, natural conditions of Kazakhstan promote the development of the
most important industries and agriculture. The country is now considered to be
the dominant state in Central Asia. The country is a member of many
international organizations, including the United Nations, the Commonwealth of
Independent States, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. In 2010,
Kazakhstan is chairing the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.


Exercise 1. Answer for the questions:
1. Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated?
2. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
3. Where is the capital?
4. What is the population of Kazakhstan?
5. How many nationalities live in Kazakhstan?
6. Is it bordered with Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and China?
7. What do you know about the climate of our country?
8. What kind of mineral resources in Kazakhstan do you know?
9. In what part of Kazakhstan are the richest oil fields situated? What are they?
10. Kazakhstan is very rich in land, isn‘t it?
11. When Kazakhstan declared itself as an independent country?
12. When did it gain its independence?
13. What are cultivated in the North of Kazakhstan?
14. What is rich in natural resources?
15. Can we find almost all chemical elements in the territory of our country? 16. Where
are the richest oil fields located?


Exercise 2. Write four forms of the verbs and learn them by heart.


Exercise 3. Complete these
1. Kazakhstan is situated in ........... .
2. Its population is ........ .
3. Kazakh is the official ....... .
4. Kazakhstan borders on ....... .
5. The climate of the country is ....... .
6. Rain usually falls in ....... .
7. Kazakh people are famous for .......
8. The capital of Kazakhstan is ....... .
9. The territory of the country is ..... .
10. The main cities of Kazakhstan are
.... .
11. Nauryz is celebrated on .......


Exercise 4. How well do you know your homeland?
What is (are)...
the financial and business centre of the country?
the largest lakes?
the largest desert?
the size of the area?
the official residence of the President?
the largest cities?
the most famous people of Kazakhstan? sport stars of the country?
the most important Kazakh holiday?
the world‘s famous high-altitude skating–rink?
the main musical instrument?
the Cosmodrome of the country?


5. Look at the map of Kazakhstan and write down countries
which Kazakhstan borders on.


Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences.
1. Kazakhstan is rich in traditions and customs.
2. Kazakhs were nomadic people.
3. They had homes that could be easily set up and moved from one place
to another.
4. Kijz ui or urtas are round houses made of pieces of felt and of pieces of
5. Traditional dishes are besbarmak, kuurdak, kumyz, kazi, karta, baursak,
tushpara etc.
6. Skating rink Medeu was built in 1972.
7. World competitions in speed skating, hockey, figure skating and other
sport events are held on this famous skating rink.
8. Kazakhstan is rich in picturesque places.
9. Almaty offers tourists many exotic excursions.
10. Nursultan is situated in central part of the country


11. Kazakhstan is the largest country in Central Asia.
12. It extends some 1900 km from the Volga River in the west to the
Altai Mountain in the
east and about 1300 km from the Siberia plain in the north to the
Central Asian deserts
in the south.
13. The largest lakes are Balkhash, Alakol, Zaisan, Tengis.
14. The national flag of the country consists of a light blue field in the
centre of which
there is yellow sun framed by the wings of a flying eagle.
15. Snow leopard is respected as the strongest animal.
16. Besbarmak is a very delicious and healthy dish.
17. Shimbulak skiing complex started its operation in 1954.


Exercise 7. Use these questions in your dialogue.
1. What part of the country do you live in?
2. Is your native town or village situated in the mountains or on
the flat land?
3. What is your town or village famous for?
4. Are you proud of Kazakhstan?
5. Is the flora and fauna of your native place rich?
6. When is Nauryz celebrated?
7. Do you play the dombyra?
8. What are the Kazakh traditional costumes?
9. Is Kazakhstan oriented to a free market?
10. What is the national currency of Kazakhstan?

13. Grammar:Comparison of adjectives/irregular adjectives



Имя прилагательное (The Adjective) (Степени сравнения – Degrees of
Имя прилагательное — часть речи, обозначающая признак предмета. fine
weather — хорошая погода
English literature — английская литература
По значению прилагательные бывают качественные (large - большой, small маленький, heavy - тяжѐлый, brave - храбрый) и относительные (wooden деревянный, central - центральный) и т.д.
Относительные прилагательные не имеют степеней сравнения и не сочетаются
с наречием very — очень.
Качественные прилагательные имеют следующие степени сравнения:
положительную, сравнительную и превосходную.


Односложные (т.е. состоящие из одного слога)
прилагательные образуют сравнительную степень при
помощи суффикса -er, превосходную степень — при
помощи суффикса -est.


2.Некоторые двусложные прилагательные: а) имеющие ударение на
втором слоге иб) оканчивающиеся на -y, -er, -ow, -le, образуют
степени сравнения таким же образом.


3. Большинство двусложных и многосложных прилагательных (т.е. состоящие из
3-х слогов и более) образуют сравнительную степень при помощи слов more —
более и less — менее, а превосходную степень — при помощи слов most —
наиболее, самый и least — наименее.


4. Некоторые прилагательные образуют степени сравнения от
других корней.


Конструкции со сравнительной степенью прилагательного
as ... as — такой ... как
not so ... as — не такой ... как
than — чем
much / far / a lot + сравнительная степень прилагательного — намного ...
the + сравнительная степень ..., the + сравнительная степень прилагательного —
чем ..., тем
He is as tall as his brother. - Он такой же высокий (такого же роста), как и его брат.
He is not so brave as his brother. - Он не такой храбрый, как его брат.
The winds in Astana are stronger than in Almaty. - Ветры в Астане сильнее, чем в
Алматы. Some clouds form much higher in the sky than the others. - Некоторые
облака образуются намного выше, чем другие.
The farther north you go, the colder the climate becomes. - Чем дальше вы
продвигаетесь на север, тем холоднее становится климат.



Exercise 1. Open the brackets using the adjectives in
correct forms.
1. The rooms are (clean) than they used to be.
2. It‘s (cold) here than in Taraz.
3. This is (expensive) book of them all.
4. His answer was (bad) than I thought.
5. Irtish is (long) than Zhaijk.
6. She thinks this shop is (good) than that one.
7. These people are (polite) than in my town.
8. Who is (old) student in the class?
9. Is Maksat (intelligent) than Sabir?
10. What is the name of the (high) mountain in Europe?


Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with the given words.
1. This is ... in our city. (big building)
2. She is ... we have ever met. (strange person)
3. The road become ... after some miles. (narrow)
4. Aslan is ... of them all. (old)
5. It was ... time of my life. (bad)
6. The weather is much ... than yesterday. (good)
7. Marlen was a bit ... he usually is. (cheerful)
8. Going by train takes twice ... going by plane. (long)
9. He thinks English spelling is ... than Russian. (difficult)
10. This test was ... of all. (easy)


Exercise 3. Put questions to the underlined words.
1. Dastan is taller than Almas.
2. The restaurant is more expensive than the café.
3. Her son is the youngest in his group.
4. If you eat a lot – you will get fatter.
5. He doesn‘t work so hard as his friend.
6. It is getting colder and colder.
7. That picture is much cheaper than that one.
8. This town is the smallest in our country.
9. The journey was longer than I had before.


4.Positive / Comparative / Superlative. Fill in the blanks
with the correct forms.


Exercise 6. Look at this picture. Give sentences in Degrees of
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