Environmental problems. Our planet is in danger.
Category: ecologyecology

Environmental problems. Our planet is in danger

1. Environmental problems. Our planet is in danger.

Корниецкая Валерия

2. 40% of the world's deaths are related to environmental problems. Therefore, it is very important to understand the essence of

40% of the world's deaths
are related to
environmental problems.
Therefore, it is very
important to understand
the essence of the problem
and understand what is the
cause of environmental
degradation. Everyone
knows what happens to a
person when they are
treated for the wrong
disease... The same thing
can happen with the


4. Environmental problem number 1 air Pollution with toxic emissions into the atmosphere causes cancer, disorders of the immune


5. When analyzing the processes of urban air pollution, the difference between pollution produced by stationary and mobile sources

When analyzing the processes of urban air pollution, the
difference between pollution produced by stationary and mobile
sources is very significant. As a rule, with the increase in the
size of the city, the share of mobile sources of pollution (mainly
motor vehicles) in the total air pollution increases, reaching 60
and even 70%.

6. The air we breathe....

*The air we breathe....

7. Environmental problem number 2 water Pollution leads to the proliferation of malarial mosquitoes, which kills about two million


8. Environmental problem number 3 Pollution and desolation of the soil leads to the fact that toxic substances are absorbed by

Environmental problem number 3 Pollution and
desolation of the soil leads to the fact that toxic
substances are absorbed by humans along with food
and water.


10. With that wonderfully beautiful globe that gave birth to billions of subspecies of creatures living side by side with a

With that
beautiful globe
that gave birth
to billions of
subspecies of
creatures living
side by side
with a
called itself
man. How we
want all our
and troubles to
be in the
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