Problems of environmental pollution of the village of Adzhamka
Categories: englishenglish ecologyecology

Problems of environmental pollution of the village of Adzhamka

1. Problems of environmental pollution of the village of Adzhamka

Роботу виконала:
учениця 11-б класу
Ремизовська Вікторія

2. Main source of pollution

Main source of pollutionThe main source of environmental pollution is
return to the nature of huge mass of waste
which are formed in the course of
production, transport and consumption in
human society. Also and in our village. We
have a wastebasket on which residents of the
village will take what all stuff is, and I
consider it I the most important source of
pollution of our village. But there are also
pluses. In our village there are any not no
plants factories, and close is also not
observed though it pleases

3. Garbage near school there to hospital and cemetery.

Garbage near school there to
hospital and cemetery
Unfortunately we see big dumps near school
and hospital, and even at a cemetery.... come

4. Uranus

We know that all Kirovohrad region
stands on uranium ore, it is necessary
mind, as our Adzhamka also is on
uranium therefore it is the biggest bad
factor in ours environment.

5. Water pollution

Understand any changes of physical,
chemical and biological properties of
water in connection with dumping into
them of any stuff as pollution of water
resources. We have in the village man
ponds which are very polluted, and we
hope that the present power will bring
order to this annoying situation.

6. Save our beautiful village

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