People’s history is the cultural history

People’s history is the cultural history

1. People’s history is the cultural history

People’s history is
the cultural history


In 2015 marks the 80th anniversary of the founding
of the Tambov region. This page presents the
glorious history of our homeland, has its roots in
the distant past
Tambov land began with the ancient Slavic


The present cultural development of Tambov
region began with the arrival of the governor
and the poet Gavrila Derzhavin. That time
were opened the main public schools in
Tambov, theater, regional printing house,
which published the first Russian provincial


After the war period
The postwar period was characterized by the
activities of writers-veterans of the Great
Patriotic War.
In 1960 was formed a regional organization
of writers, which was headed by Alexander
Strygin. Later the Tambov literary
organization led Maya Rumyantseva, then
over the years - Ivan Kuchin, Viktor Gerasin,
Alexander Akulinin.


Tambov writers
Today in Tambov region there are more than
30 professional writers. B.K. Panov, A.E.
Shilin, A.M. Akulinin, L.P. Aseeva, V.I.
Gerasin, P.S. Gerasimov, V.T. Dorozhkina,
A.V. Makarov, I.Z. Elegechev, V.V.
Kravchenko, A.J. Kosnevich, A.M. Makarov,
E.Y. Nachas, L.V. Polyakov, E.L. Lukankin
and others.


Vyacheslav Bogdanov
Vyacheslav Bogdanov – Tambov poet, tragically deceased in
the prime of his talent, not had time to realize all the creative
forces inherent in his soul, he managed to express the main
thing: the secret thrill and rush of inspiration and fairy passion
of the poet.
You can spend hours looking of interesting posts, cycle
literary readings, review of the collections of the poets.
The memories of the life and work was published in the
book "The Return".
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