
Устная часть экзамена (ЕГЭ)


Школа ЮЛП 19.12.2020


Задания базового уровня
• Задание 1 - 1 балл максимум,
• Задание 2 - 5 баллов максимум,
• Задание 3 - 7 баллов максимум
Задание высокого уровня
• Задание 4 - 7 баллов максимум

3. Задание 1. Чтение текста вслух

Чтение инструкции и подготовка к
выполнению задания -1,5 минуты.
Ha экране компьютера часы с обратным
отсчетом 1,5 минуты, при обнулении
раздается сигнал и включается запись.

4. Задание 1. Чтение вслух.

Madame Tussaud’s is the most popular wax museum in the world. There are
life-size wax models of the famous and infamous, both living and dead. Among
them are Elvis Presley, the Beatles, Michael Jackson, Marilyn Monroe, Charlie
Chaplin, the British Royal family, Adolf Hitler, Jack the Ripper and many others.
The museum is situated in Marylebone Road in London. There is usually a long
queue in front of the museum. Many tourists consider their trip to London
worthless without visiting this museum.
There are several halls at Madame Tussaud’s. Highlights include the Grand
Hall, the Chamber of Horrors and “The Spirit of London” exhibition.
“The Spirit of London” is a new milestone for Madame Tussaud’s. It covers a
period of more than 400 years of London history: from Elizabethan times to the
present days. Sights, sounds and even smells combine to tell the colorful story
of London to visitors.

5. Задание 2. Запрос информации.

6. Задание 2. Запрос информации

• You have decided to celebrate your birthday in the
restaurant and now you are calling to find out more
information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct
questions to find out the following:
• 1) availability of table for 10 people for Sunday
• 2) if booking is free
• 3) kinds of meat dishes on the menu
• 4) variety of dessert they serve
• 5) place to dance

7. Задание 2. Запрос информации

• На то, чтобы задать вопрос, дается
только 20 секунд;
• Задавать только ПРЯМЫЕ вопросы;
• Запрашивать только ту информацию,
которая требуется в инструкции.

8. Задание 3. Описание фотографии по плану.

• Задание 3:
Imagine that while travelling during your holidays you took some photos.
Choose one photo to present to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more
than 2 minutes. In your talk remember to speak about:
when you took the photo
what / who is in the photo
what is happening
why you took the photo/keep the photo in your album
why you decided to show the picture to your friend

9. Задание 3. Описание фотографии

when and where you took the photo
what / who is in the photo
what is happening
why you took the photo/keep the photo
in your album
• why you decided to show the picture
to your friend

10. Задание 4. Сравнение двух фотографий.

Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare
and contrast the photographs:
give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
say what the pictures have in common
say in what way the pictures are different
say which kind of life you’d prefer for wild animals
explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have
to talk continuously.

11. Comparing and contrasting

• Let me compare and contrast the photos.
• The topic that relates them is …In Photo 1 you can see
… . In Photo 2 you can see ...
• The pictures are similar in many ways. First, both photos
show…Second, in both pictures the people are...
• However, there are also some differences between the
pictures. One/the main similarity/difference between the
pictures is that…The picture on the left is ... than the
other one. The second picture contains... whereas the
first picture...
• Personally I would prefer …

12. Задание 4. Сравнение двух фотографий.

• give a brief description of the
photos (action, location)
• say what the pictures have in
• say in what way the pictures
are different
• say which kind of life you’d
prefer for wild animals
• explain why
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