Category: literatureliterature

Charles Dickens «Oliver Twist»


Have you ever read the
English classics of the
19th century?
Do you know the story of
Oliver Twist narrated by
Charles Dickens?
Now you have
a good chance
to do it!


3. ( 1812-1870)

,,Мне казалось, что изобразить
реальных членов преступной
шайки, нарисовать их во всем их
уродстве, со всей их гнусностью,
показать убогую, нищую их
жизнь, показать их такими,
каковы они на самом деле, -значит попытаться сделать то,
что необходимо и что сослужит
службу обществу. И я это
исполнил в меру моих сил. ”

4. A workshop in England of the 19 century.

children don’t live here. They try to
survive every day. One of these boys is
Oliver Twist whose mother died during


The fate of these orphans is decided
beforehand. They can be sold, put into
prison or even hanged. And only miracle
can save our main character.

6. Being bullied in the undertaker 's office Oliver fights with a journeyman and after it makes his mind to flee to London

7. ….he gets into a gang of young pickpockets whose boss is cunning and wily Fagin the Jew ( Feigin ), Godfather of London



Oliver’s life is hard. To survive in this
cruel world he had to take part in
robberies, muggings. But he is kind,
truthful and virtuous by his nature.


Is the criminal world his destiny? Are
there any kind helpful gentle people
who can help our main character?

11. One day Oliver gets into the house of a gentleman - Mr. Brownlow who doesn't take him to prison and since this meeting the

You can ask:
“In what way?’’

12. READ this breathtaking book which won’t disappoint you!


14. https://youtu.be/KZAhDVypN_g

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