Electric car

Electric car

1. Electric car

2. An electric car is a vehicle powered by one or more electric motors rather than an internal combustion engine.


The history of electric cars goes back almost 200 years. (They appeared even
earlier than models with internal combustion engines. And even back then, they
were already impressive in terms of performance. )

4. Thomas Davenport

(The invention of the first electric
cars is attributed to various
engineers. One of them is
Thomas Davenport. ) Thomas
Davenport is the inventor of the
direct current electric motor.
The invention of the first electric
car with a disposable battery is
officially attributed to Thomas
Davenport and Robert Davidson
in 1842.

5. The first electric car with a rechargeable battery, called the Flocken Elektrowagen, appeared in 1888.


The growth of interest in electric vehicles occurred in the
1960s because of environmental problems with motor
vehicles, and in the 1970s because of soaring fuel costs as
a result of the energy crises.

7. The advantages of electric cars:

1. No harmful exhaust fumes, (which are one of the main elements of
environmental pollution).
2. Reliability and durability of the engine during long-term operation.

8. 3. Ability to charge the batteries from the standard electrical grid, (which saves significantly on costs.) 4. High efficiency

factor, (compared to conventional car engines;)

9. 5. Less noise is produced. 6. Availability of emergency braking capability.

10. Disadvantages

1. limited range. ( they can only be used in the city. But Premium
electric cars are devoid of such disadvantages).
2. High price.


3. Sensitivity to air temperature.(Battery capacity decreases at low temperatures)
4. Problems with the microclimate in the cabin.
5. Poor infrastructure.
(For the comfortable use of electric
cars are suitable only for the
largest cities.In most cases, electric
vehicles have to charge from their
own outlets in the house or

12. Why is opening an electric car important?

According to Greenpeace, electric cars are an important step toward a future
without fossil fuels and a better environment because greenhouse gas
emissions from automobiles are constantly increasing. In addition to
greenhouse gases, vehicles emit toxic substances that are hazardous to


This discovery impressed me, because for me the problem of environmental
pollution is important and urgent
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