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Final presentation. Tech & tools 02
Final PresentationTech & Tools 02: Typografix
Laureen Mahler
Karina Zulu
2 semester
SS 22
Communication Design
Content table:Poster/Collage
(digital design)
(digital design)
Album Cover/Riso Printing
My theme: Creepy Psychodelia
It was my fault that
I didn’t properly
explain what my
inspirations are, so
I’ll try to fix it now
hours of searching
for right photos and
still i’am not fully
happy with it. after
recieving criticism i’ve
decided to completely
change it, since i
couldn’t find right
i’ve decided to draw
it myself. the original
concept in my head
looked kinda different,
but i’m absolutely not
dissapointed with the
result. i like how it’s
perfectly matching my
Publication:Swiss design
from the very
beginning i knew
that the text that
I’ll choose would be
the Bible. but for a
long time my head was
empty, had no ideas
about design.
1. “I am the Lord your God, whobrouGht you out of the Land of eGypt,
out of the house of bondaGe. you
shaLL have no other Gods before me.
1. satan represents InduLGence,
Instead of abstInence!
6. “you shaLL not murder.
2. “you shaLL not make for yourseLf a carved
ImaGe, or any LIkeness of anythInG that Is In
heaven above, or that Is In the earth beneath,
or that Is In the water under the earth; you
shaLL not bow down to them nor serve them.
2. satan represents vItaL exIstence,
Instead of spIrItuaL pIpe dreams!
7. “you shaLL not commIt aduLtery.
3. “you shaLL not take the name of the Lord
your God In vaIn, for the Lord wILL not hoLd
hIm GuILtLess who takes hIs name In vaIn.
4. “remember the sabbath day, to keep It hoLy.
sIx days you shaLL Labor and do aLL your
work, but the seventh day Is the sabbath of
the Lord your God. therefore the Lord bLessed
the sabbath day and haLLowed It.
5. “honor your father and your mother,
that your days may be LonG upon the Land
whIch the Lord your God Is GIvInG you.
3. satan represents undefILed wIsdom,
Instead of hypocrItIcaL seLf-deceIt!
4. satan represents kIndness to
those who deserve It, Instead of Love
wasted on InGrates!
5. satan represents venGeance,
Instead of turnInG the other cheek!
Greater Love has no one than thIs: to
Lay down one’s LIfe for one’s frIends.
the Lord Is my LIGht and my saLvatIon; whom
shaLL I fear? the Lord Is the stronGhoLd of
my LIfe; of whom shaLL I be afraId?
8. “you shaLL not steaL.
8. satan represents aLL of the so-caLLed
sIns, as they aLL Lead to physIcaL,
mentaL, or emotIonaL GratIfIcatIon!
10. “you shaLL not covet your neIGhbor’s
house; you shaLL not covet your neIGhbor’s
wIfe, nor hIs maLe servant, nor hIs femaLe
servant, nor hIs ox, nor hIs donkey, nor
anythInG that Is your neIGhbor’s.”
9. satan has been the best frIend
the church has ever had, as he has
kept It In busIness aLL these years!
the reaL satanIst Is not quIte so easILy recoGnIzed as such
bLessed are the destroyers of faLse hope, for
they are the true messIahs - cursed are the
God-adorers, for they shaLL be shorn sheep!
I break away from aLL conventIons that do not Lead
to my earthLy success and happIness.
there Is no fear In Love. but perfect Love drIves
out fear, because fear has to do wIth punIshment.
the one who fears Is not made perfect In Love.
may the God of hope fILL you wIth aLL joy and peace
as you trust In hIm, so that you may overfLow wIth
hope by the power of the hoLy spIrIt.
cast aLL your anxIetIes on hIm, because
he cares for you.
7. satan represents man as just another
anImaL, sometImes better, more often
worse than those that waLk on aLL-fours,
who, because of hIs «dIvIne spIrItuaL and
InteLLectuaL deveLopment», has become the
most vIcIous anImaL of aLL!
9. “you shaLL not bear faLse
wItness aGaInst your neIGhbor.
be stronG, and Let your heart take couraGe, aLL
you who waIt for the Lord!
what, then, shaLL we say In
response to these thInGs? If God
Is for us, who can be aGaInst us?
6. satan represents responsIbILIty to
the responsIbLe, Instead of concern
for psychIc vampIres!
satan has been the best frIend the
church has ever had, as he has kept
It In busIness aLL these years!
satanIsm has been frequentLy mIsrepresented
as “devIL worshIp”, when In fact It constItutes
a cLear rejectIon of aLL forms of worshIp as a
desIrabLe component of the personaLIty.
why shouLd I not hate mIne enemIes If I «Love»
them does that not pLace me at theIr mercy?
It Is rather curIous that the onLy tIme suIcIde
Is consIdered sInfuL by other reLIGIons Is when
It comes as an InduLGence.
Album Cover:American Modernism
i asked my friends for some
inspirations, because album
covers that were appearing in
my mind were not matching my
style. my inspo:
maslo chernogo tmina-narco
(tr. black cumin oil)
Album Cover:9
American Modernism
i was struggling a lot
with color separating
to files. even tho i
chose safest color
option, it didn’t
rly help avoiding
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©OOO «Pakosti» 1914
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Album Cover:Riso Printing
since riso does not
allow you to choose
any colors, i couldn’t
pick enough dark
bloody red (to create
right atmosphere), so i
chose light red.
still turned out rly cool
really enjoyed this class. one
of not many classes that i
could at least understand.
especially theme that i chose
really helped, i started liking
my works more. laureen’s
positivity and support was
motivating a lot.
i’m rly upset that this lesson
is over
process book12