Передача модальности
Functions of Graphons
Functions of Graphons
Use of Graphons

Передача модальности

1. Передача модальности

2. Functions of Graphons

Individual peculiarities of pronunciation
Thith ith a bad pieth of bithneth.
Accent (foreign, dialectal)
If yu has hairy arms an’ a hairy breas’ dat mean
yu gonna be rich.
- ‘oo’.
- A’’ ‘oo’?

3. Functions of Graphons

Manner of pronunciation:
Im-poss-ible! (hyphenation)

4. Use of Graphons

• In newspaper texts to show colloquial speech:
gonna, gotta, willya
• In advertisements: Pik-kwik Store, BBQ,
Knee-hi socks
In literary texts: “ The b-b-b—bas-tud – he seen
me c-c-c-coming.”
In charts and SMS: LOL, FYI, XOXO


• De old Foolosopher, like Hickey calls yuh, ain't
• "I had a coach with a little seat in fwont with
an iwon wail for the dwiver."


• "Now listen, Ed, stop that, now. I'm desperate. I am
desperate, Ed, do you hear?"
• "ALL our troubles are over, old girl," he said fondly. "We can
put a bit by now for a rainy day."
• "Well, I dunno. I'll show you summat."
• He began to render the famous tune "I lost my heart in an
English garden, just where the roses of England grow" with
much feeling:
• "Ah-ee last mah-ee hawrt een ahn Angleesh gawrden, Jost
whahr thah rawzaz ahv Angland graw."





A tourist's heart may leap at first sight of the Thames as it cuts
through the heart of London because of the spectacle of massed
totems such as Parliament, Whitehall, St. Paul's Cathedral and
the Tower of London that rise majestically near it, and the 15
bridges bearing storybook names and images: Westminster,
Waterloo, Blackbriars, London Bridge and Tower Bridge. But
nearly everything worth the price of a snapshot sits on the
northern bank.
After the death of Charles I in 1649 puritanical attitudes to the
visual arts did not favour the development of architecture and
the destruction, begun under Henry VIII, was renewed during and
after Civil War (1642-1646). Whatever the merits of government
under Cromwell it was a sad period for architecture.
Another change which affected architecture was the growth of an
educated middle class. From Chaucer to Shakespeare, to Ben
Jonson and Inigo Jones, to Wren and Newton, to Hume, Gibbon
and Robert Adam and on to Soane, Carlyle, Ruskin and Morris,
the "middling sort of people" were taking over and amplifying the
secular role which had been played by clergy in earlier times when
clerics were almost the only people who could read and write.
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