why I chose this topic.
The person I told you about earlier is called Hayao Miyazaki. He's Japanese. Winner of the Academy award.
Hayao Miyazaki is the winner of the 2014 non-competitive honorary Oscar with the following statement of merit: "for having a
These are the most famous works of Hayao Miyazaki
Anime Hayao Miyazaki teach a lot that's why I advise you to see these masterpieces. And if you haven't looked, then don't rush
Category: englishenglish

Presentation in English on the topic: «My idol»


Presentation in English on the
topic: «My idol»
was prepared by a student of class 6b
Smolyaninova Ulyana

2. why I chose this topic.

I chose this topic because I actually have a large
number of idols and they are all good, but this
person made it clear to me and other people that
anime is not just boring and meaningless cartoons
that you can watch just for fun. this man inspired
everyone with his anime, including me. each of his
anime has its own meaning and moral. drawing
each of his anime is amazing, he always follows the
anatomical rules of drawing. they believe that each
of his characters and even the background is a
separate art form.

3. The person I told you about earlier is called Hayao Miyazaki. He's Japanese. Winner of the Academy award.

4. Hayao Miyazaki is the winner of the 2014 non-competitive honorary Oscar with the following statement of merit: "for having a

Hayao Miyazaki is the winner of the 2014 noncompetitive honorary Oscar with the following
statement of merit: "for having a profound
impact on the world of animation, inspiring a
whole generation of artists to work in this field
and highlighting its limitless potential»

5. These are the most famous works of Hayao Miyazaki

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds
sky castle Laputa
my neighbor Totoro
witch delivery service
Porco Rosso
Princess Mononoke
gone with the ghosts
Walking castle
Ponyo Fish on the cliff
the Wind grows stronger
Castle of Cagliostro

6. Anime Hayao Miyazaki teach a lot that's why I advise you to see these masterpieces. And if you haven't looked, then don't rush

to say that
anime is a waste of time.
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