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Wedding Traditions In Japan
In Japan
Conditions• Weddings are vivid in Japan. Traditions, religion and new
technologies make an incredible atmosphere there.
• Аccording to statistics, most people are getting married at
30. Moreover, you need to get high education and some
work experience
Мarriage features• In Japan patterns of courtship are different from ours: in
the sphere of proposing marriage women tend to take the
• Japanese are getting married for money. It is more
important than love and tenderness.
• Bride-to-be must be prepared for households and bringing
up children
Appearance of the couple• The appearance of the newlyweds is extremely
important. The girl must be properly made up
and dressed.
• The bride wears kimono, a wedding frock, does
her white and red make up
• The groom wears montsuki, a peculiar costume
consisting of a jacket and trousers
Types of weddings• There are 2 types of wedding ceremonies
in Japan: traditional and Christian
• The traditional ceremony includes going to
Shinto temple following national customs
• The Christian ceremony is held in a
Christian church
Shinto temple9.
Christian church10.
• The groom and the bride exchange gold rings –as a sign of protection and preserving the future
• After that their couple is allowed to be officially
named spouse
Reception• There are no dances like in European wedding-parties.
Music sounds only in the background.
• Relatives and guests give speeches in a special order
• In Japan the toastmaster is called kaidzoe
The other side ofmarriage
• Many couples break up as soon as they are created.
• They find it difficult to get used to family life and
everyday life because of hard work and fast lifestyle