Category: englishenglish



Prepared by Cherepanov Dmitry


Swimming is one of the most useful physical activities. It
appeared even among primitive people. Now
swimming is not just a vacation, but also sports. Here
are some of the water sports.


Sports swimming
Swimming Sports - combines swimming at the sportsdistance ways to crawl (freestyle), breaststroke, butterfly,
backstroke, as well as crafts, diving, synchronized (art)


History file
Swimming is one of the oldest sports. Sport voyage appeared at the end of
the XV century. In 1515, in Venice competitions were held swimmers,
they were one of the first swimming competitions. In 1538 was
published the first guide to swimming Dane P. Vinmana. The first
swimming school appeared in the second half of XVIII - early XIX
century in Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and France.


History file
During this period, Russia was only seven technically imperfect closed
basins, and still engaged in sports swimming for about one and a half
thousand people. Not enough basin is determined that the training
had to be conducted mainly in open water in summer.
The results were low. In
1913 the first championship
was held Russia in
swimming. In 1918 in
Moscow was held the first
swimming competition of
the USSR. In 1920, VN
Sands organized sports
society of the road
"Dolphin", had an open


Water polo
Water polo - a team sport with a ball, in which two teams
try to drop goal against an opponent. The game at the
same place in the pool with water.


History file
Water polo invented in the late XIX century in Great Britain
by William Wilson. The prototype was the rugby game.
Early versions of the game allowed the use of force in the
fight for the ball, holding an opponent under water to
capture the ball.
Goalkeeper is outside the field,
and tried to prevent the
opponent attempts to put the
ball on the pier. The game has
become a modern form in the
80-ies of XIX century.


History file
Water polo - one of the oldest Olympic sports. The game first appeared in
the Olympic program in 1900. Women's water polo was included in the
Olympic program in 2000 after the political protests of the Australian
women's team. In the men's water polo famous Hungarian athlete
Dezho Gyarmati won five Olympic medals (gold in 1952, 1956, 1964,
silver 1948, bronze in 1960), setting yet no one had beaten the record.


Synchronized swimming
Synchronized swimming - a sport associated with the implementation of
various water shapes the music. Synchronized swimming - one of the
most sophisticated and elegant among all sports.
However, despite the seeming ease, he
is very demanding - in addition to what
athletes experience serious physical
activity, they must possess not only
stamina but also flexibility, grace,
honed skills and exceptional breath


History file
Holidays and games, during which boys and girls swimming suit in the
water dances were held in ancient Greece and Rome. However, as a
sport synchronized swimming began to take shape only in the late 19 th
century. In 1882 in England was established group of swimmers who
performed various pieces in the water. Originally the sport was called
the art swimming. In the early 20 century. France was founded club
"Seagull", which has given publicity to a new sport.


History file
In the 1930's. artistic diving spread to Europe and the United
States. The first athletes to the music performances were
held in 1952 in the French championship. In the same year
at the XV Olympic Games in Helsinki, held demonstrations
on the art swimming.
It has been recognized by the
international sport and has
become known as "synchronized
swimming". When the
International Amateur
Federation (FINA) committee
was set up synchronous


History file
At the European Championships 2000 (Helsinki), Russia sinhronistki
won in all disciplines. Three times champion was Olga Brusnikina: in
solo, in duo with Maria Kiseleva and group exercises. The French in the
championship received two silver and bronze, Italian - two bronze.


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