Category: lawlaw

The system of the state bodies of Egypt


NAME: Bafy Romany shahed malek
GROUP: 21лф2a


● personal information about the presedent of egypt
● qualifications for the candide of egypt
● manner of electron of egypt
● termination of abdel fattah al sisi office
● Parliment of egypt
● government council of ministers of Egypt
● judicial power of Egypt
● the Judicial Branch
● courts system of Egypt


●personal information about the presedent of egypt
●Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, (born November 19, 1954, Cairo,
Egypt), Egyptian military officer who became Egypt’s de
facto leader in July 2013, after the country’s military
removed Pres. Mohammed Morsi from power following
mass protests against his rule. Sisi was elected
president in May 2014 and elected to a second term in
March 2018.


●Military career
●Sisi graduated from the Egyptian Military Academy in 1977, then served in the
infantry. Like other Egyptian officers of his generation, he never saw combat, but he
advanced through the ranks to command a mechanized infantry division and then
served as the commander of Egypt’s northern military region. In 2010 he was
appointed to the post of director of military intelligence.
●Following the ouster of Egyptian Pres. Hosni Mubarak after an uprising in January
and February 2011, Sisi was the youngest member of the Supreme Council of the
Armed Forces (SCAF), a body of senior military officers that took over the governing
of Egypt. He was elevated to the positions of defense minister and commander of
the armed forces in August 2012 when Morsi, embroiled in a power struggle with
the military, managed to force the most senior members of the SCAF into
retirement and then promoted the little-known Sisi to the top position.


●qualifications for the candide of egypt
●A presidential candidate must be Egyptian, born to Egyptian parents, and neither
he/she, their parents or their spouse may have held another citizenship. They must
have civil and political rights, must have performed their military service or have
been exempted by the law, and cannot be younger than 40 years old on the day
●registration is opened. Other requirements for candidacy are determined by the
●To be accepted as a candidate for the presidency, candidates must be
●recommended by at least 20 elected parliamentarians, or endorsed by at least
25,000 citizens who have the right to vote, in at least 15 governorates, with a
minimum of 1,000 supporter from each governorate.


●Other requirements
●1- Must be a bachelor’s degree holder.
●2- Must not have committed any felony or crime
involving an immoral act or dishonesty. If convicted, he
must have been exculpated.
●3- Must not be suffering from any physical or mental
illness which would hinder performing his official
presidential duties


●manner of electron of egypt
●Elections in Egypt are held for the President and a bicameral
legislature. The President of Egypt is elected for a six-year term by
popular vote.
●Suffrage is universal and compulsory for every Egyptian citizen over 18.
Failure to vote can result in fine or even imprisonment, but in practice a
significant percentage of eligible voters do not vote. About 63 million
voters are registered to vote out of a population of more than 100
million. Turnout in the 2011 parliamentary election was 54%


●termination of abdel fattah al sisi office
●Term(s) of office
●Under the Constitution, the president serves for a term
of four years. He is limited to two terms, whether
successive or separated. ... These amendments were
subsequently ratified in the 2019 Egyptian
constitutional referendum


●parliment of egypt
●The Parliament of Egypt is the bicameral legislature of the Arab Republic of Egypt. It
is composed of an upper house (the Senate) and a lower house (the House of
●The Parliament is located in Cairo, Egypt's capital. Under the country's 2014
constitution, as the legislative branch of the Egyptian state the Parliament enacted
laws, approved the general policy of the State, the general plan for economic and
social development and the general budget of the State, supervised the work of the
government, and had the power to vote to impeach the president of the Republic,
or replace the government and its prime minister by a vote of no-confidence.
●The parliament is made up of 596 seats, with 448 seats elected through the
individual candidacy system, 120 elected through winner-take-all party lists (with
quotas for youth, women, Christians, and workers) and 28 selected by the
president.[4] It is the fifth-largest legislative chamber in the world behind the
National People's Congress and the largest parliamentary body in the Arab world.


●government council of ministers of Egypt
●The Cabinet of Egypt (Arabic: ‫ )مجلس وزراء مرص‬is the chief executive body of the Arab Republic of Egypt. It consists
of the Prime Minister and the cabinet ministers.
●The government has a leading role in shaping the agenda of the houses of Parliament. It may propose laws to
Parliament, as well as amendments during parliamentary meetings. It may make use of some procedures to
speed up parliamentary deliberations. The government is responsible only to Parliament, specifically the People's
●The People's Assembly may pass a motion of censure, forcing the resignation of the cabinet. Ministers have to
answer questions from Members of Parliament, both written and oral; this is known as Inquiries to the
Government Talebat Ihata.
●In addition, ministers attend meetings of the two houses of Parliament when laws pertaining to their areas of
responsibility are being discussed.


●judicial power of Egypt
●egypt has three supreme courts: the Supreme Constitutional Court,
Court of Cassation, and Supreme Administrative Court. The Supreme
Constitutional Court has exclusive jurisdiction to decide issues regarding
the constitutionality of laws. The Court of Cassation is the supreme
court of the common court system
●the judicial system (or judicial branch) in Egypt, is an independent
branch of the government which includes both secular and religious
courts. The Egyptian judicial system is based on European and primarily
French legal concepts and methods. The legal code is derived largely
from the Napoleonic Code


●the Judicial Branch
●Interpreting state laws;
●Settling legal disputes;
●Punishing violators of the law;
●Hearing civil cases;
●Protecting individual rights granted by the state
●Determing the guilt or innocence of those accused of
violating the criminal laws of the state


●courts system of Egypt
●Egypt has three supreme courts: the Supreme
Constitutional Court, Court of Cassation, and
Supreme Administrative Court. ... The Court of
Cassation is the supreme court of the common court
system. The Supreme Administrative Court is the
highest court of the administrative court system,
called the State Council.


●The three court system
●The federal court system has three main levels:
district courts (the trial court), circuit courts which
are the first level of appeal, and the Supreme Court
of the United States, the final level of appeal in the
federal system
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