Category: englishenglish

Listening. True or false





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Познач правдиві речення словом
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1. I live in a house.
2. My house has one bedroom.
3. My brother and I share the other bedroom.
4. My house does not have a living room.
5. My Dad makes wood furniture.
6. My house has a second floor.
7. My house has a garage.
8. My house has a small backyard.
9. My backyard has a swimming pool.
10. My family likes our house.


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Познач правдиві речення словом
, а неправдиві словом
1. Polly’s mother baked cakes for her.
2. It was chocolate cookies.
3. Polly likes chocolate cookies very much.
4. The cookies were not very delicious.
5. She also took those cookies to her grandparents.
6. Her friends tasted the cookies and liked them very much.
7. She didn`t take the cookies for Dorthy again.
8. Dorthy thanked Polly’s mother.
9. She also said her mother to make those cookies for the school festival.
10. Polly’s mother agreed to bake the cookies.


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Познач правдиві речення словом
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1. Many birds live in Africa.
2. A zebra likes to eat meat.
3. Lions live in Africa.
4. A lion has a loud roar.
5. Ostriches are birds.
6. An ostrich can fly.
7. Hippos like the water.
8. Elephants have short trunks and ugly ears.
9. An elephant is big.
10. Many animals live in Africa.


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Познач правдиві речення словом
1. Sara goes to her table.
2. The desk is brown.
3. She looks for her markers.
4. Sara goes to the cupboard.
5. Sara sees a glass.
6. Sara goes to the kitchen.
7. Sara sees the milk.
8. Sara pours a glass of water.
9. Sara found her crayons.
10. Sara lost her crayons.
, а неправдиві словом


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I spy – це гра, в якій
ведучий загадує
якийсь предмет і,
неназиваючи, описує
його, а гравці повинні
відгадати предмет.


Познач правдиві речення словом
1. Alan is in the room.
2. Alan is with his friends.
3. Alan and his friends are in the yard.
4. Alan wants to swim with his friends.
5. Alan wants to play I Spy.
6. Alan and his friends watch I Spy.
7. Alan and his friends are happy.
8. His friends look for something blue.
9. His friends see the red apple.
10. His friends are sad.
, а неправдиві словом


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Познач правдиві речення словом
, а неправдиві словом
1. The text is about a little mouse.
2. Her name was Francis.
3. The mouse lived in a house.
4. Mitsy was three last week.
5. Mitsy loved her family.
6. Mitsy's parents gave her three big boxes for her birthday.
7. Her brother gave her three carrots.
8. The carrots were big.
9. Mitsy's friends came to her that evening.
10. Mitsy's friends came to help Mitsy do homework.


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Познач правдиві речення словом
, а неправдиві словом
1. Bill runs. Bill runs to the door.
2. Bill jumps on the red couch. Bill is happy.
3. Bill falls off the couch. Bill is sad.
4. Bill wants to jump on the couch.
5. Bill sits still on the couch.
6. Bill walks to the blue door.
7. Bill goes to the black couch.
8. Bill sits on the blue couch.
9. Bill closes his eyes.
10. Bill is happy.


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Познач правдиві речення словом
, а неправдиві словом
1. Denis has got a new puppy.
2. He has called him Roombo.
3. Denis and Roombo are going to be family.
4. Roombo is small.
5. He has just left his home, brothers and sisters and his mother dog.
6. So Denis is very strict to him.
7. He tracks Roombo and talks to him.
8. Tomorrow Denis will take his puppy for a walk in the yard.
9. They will run, jump, play with a basket.
10. After that Denis will give Roombo a tasty dinner.


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* horse rider - вершниця
(людина, яка їздить на коні)


Познач правдиві речення словом
, а неправдиві словом
1. "Can I ride my bike, Mommy?" Sara asked her mom.
2. Sara loved to ride her horse.
3. She rode her horse almost every Sunday.
4. Sara was happy.
5. She went into her bathroom.
6. She put her pink socks on. She put her pink sneakers on.
7. She went to the front door.
8. "I'm going to wait in the car," she told her father.
9. Sara opened the bus door. She sat down in the front seat.
10. She wasn`t excited.


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Познач правдиві речення словом
, а неправдиві словом
1. Elizabeth washes her hands every day.
2. She likes to wash her legs.
3. She washes her hands with soap and water.
4. She uses warm water and soap.
5. She washes her hands for 60 seconds.
6. She turns off the water. She dries her hands on a clean towel.
7. Every few hours, she turns on the water and washes her hands.
8. Elizabeth has very dirty hands.
9. She does not have many germs on her hands.
10. Germs can live on her clean hands.
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