«Шадринский медицинский колледж»
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Шадринский медицинский колледж

1. «Шадринский медицинский колледж»

«National Health Service»
Специальность: 491 Акушерское дело
Выполнила: Гаспарян К.А.
Шадринск - 2021


Здравоохранение в Великобритании
UK Health Service


«National Health Service»


Every resident of the UK has the right to
free medical care in the country's public
medical institutions.


The only exception is dental treatment: for the services of
dentists working in the NHS system, you will have to pay
out of your own pocket, although the cost of these
services will be much lower than in private


women during pregnancy and 12
months after the birth of a child have the
right to treat teeth free of charge under
state insurance.


By the way, pregnancy management and
childbirth themselves are also free of
charge under state insurance


in Russia they are intensively "treated"
even for minor ailments, writing out
mountains of prescriptions in illegible


Then in the UK, with viral infections, you will be
sent home, advised to drink more water, lean on
grapefruits, and in extreme cases, take


How to Get NHS Medical Care
It is necessary to register in a local medical
practice with a therapist
(general practitioner, сокращенно GP).


How to Get NHS Medical Care
To register, it is enough to have an identity card
with you (ID), confirming your residence in
England, and proof of address(proof of address).


How to Get NHS Medical Care
The latter can be any utility bill,
landline phone or Internet, payment
receipt council tax and some other
types of documents (the full list can be
specified in the medical institution


How to Get NHS Medical Care
It is the GP who conducts the initial examination
of the patient and, if necessary, issues a referral
to a specialist.


How to Get NHS Medical Care
If you have recently moved to the area and have not yet had time to
register with a local GP, then special walk-in centers are at your
service, where you can apply with not too serious health problems.


How to Get NHS Medical Care
In urgent cases, you can contact the Accident and emergency (A&E)
department at any hospital, where the right specialist will see you on
a first-come, first-served basis.


How to Get NHS Medical Care
With diseases more serious than a runny nose, you can count on fullfledged medical care, which in any case begins with a visit to the GP.


How to Get NHS Medical Care
NHS services include both conducting various examinations for the
diagnosis and prevention of diseases, as well as outpatient and
inpatient treatment.


How to Get NHS Medical Care
And in life-threatening conditions, English medicine acquires
amazing efficiency: it is treated quickly and extremely effectively (it
is not for nothing that patients with serious diseases from all over the
world flock here).


How to Get NHS Medical Care
You can also get free medical advice at any pharmacy from a
pharmacist or by calling 111 - qualified staff will analyze your
symptoms and tell you how to proceed.


How to Get NHS Medical Care
The concept of "ambulance" here exists only for critical cases when life is in
real danger. Therefore, before calling ambulance on 999, first make sure that
you are really near death.


How to Get NHS Medical Care
The NHS system works quite smoothly and clearly. Women undergo
examinations for cervical cancer every 3 years, and upon reaching a
certain age receive invitations to free mammography. Men, of course,
also receive their portion of care from the state.


How to Get NHS Medical Care
Children are given free vaccinations, all
medicines for them are given out in pharmacies
also free of charge by a doctor's prescription.


How to Get NHS Medical Care
If desired, vaccination can be refused – for this
they do not condemn and do not prevent
admission to educational institutions.
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