Category: englishenglish

Reporting Facts +


ВВЕДЕНИЕ • Life events are considered to be essential for peopleданное утверждение общего характера- в
заключении часто пишем о важности – там это
необходимо – в этом формате можно не
использовать этот ход
• Nowadays there are many things which are happening
to humans – things не даёт информации о темечитается как о событиях связано с любой темой- life
events всегда имели место в жизни человека
• I am currently working on a project on this issue(какую
именно проблему для изучения подчёркивает автор
для своего проекта – issues to life events) , and I have
found a bar chart with some interesting data about
people in Russia (данные не о людях – а о life events)


REPORTING FACTS +• The bar chart demonstrates the popularity of each
life moments – в условии нет информации
popular – есть important
• It is noticeable that having children is the most
important type of event of all while getting a job is
the least popular one (сравнение). Roughly 57
percent of respondents choose to have children
whereas the proportion of people who prefer
getting a job is 7.8 percent (факт)


MAKING COMPARISONS +• Apart from that, it is obvious that getting married
rank second (факт ) . The number of people
choosing this event is slightly lower than those who
want to have children, representing 55.6 percent
(сравнение) . Leaving home and getting a degree
are less popular (essential) than getting married but
still more frequently chosen than getting a job (43,2
and 33,5 percent respectively (сравнение) .
• Встречается apart from = as well as / except for


OUTLINE A PROBLEM +• In my opinion, there is an evident problem connected
with life events revealed by these statistics. It is quite
clear that getting a job is not in (on) demand. One
possible solution to that is higher (high) salaries and
motivating of the graduates for further development
and ______can encourage people to get a job and
grow professionally – по структуре это два отдельных
• In my opinion – организация – это задача 5
• Graduates – не ясно читающему почему именно
• On demand – по-моему у него другой контекст


• To conclude, I would like to say that any life event is
a vital part of human life. It is not only essential but
also responsible
• I would like to say - это фраза на самом деле не
выражает мнение – тем более для письменной
речи – не могу сказать кто и когда предложил её
для сочинения рассуждения
• Responsible – ответственность у человека
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