Category: englishenglish

Books in our life


English Presentation
Theme: Books in our life
Zazvirsikiy Yura
Form 8 – B
Dolynska Gymnasium
Teacher: Tatiana Sheremet
2015 – 2016








The book is one of the greatest human inventions. We
learn many things by reading books. Books teach
people to live. After reading some books it is easy to
understand what we should do. People can learn a lot
by reading books. There are a lot of libraries in our
country, where we can choose any book we need.
There are many resources on the Internet, where you
can download different books and read them on your
phone. Different people like reading different kinds of
books. It depends on your taste. Some people prefer
historical books. Others like detective stories. As for
me I prefer fantasy.


My favorite book is «Harry Potter». It is a very interesting book. The main character of the book is Harry Potter, as
the name of book. "Harry Potter" is a series of seven fantasy novels written by the British author J.Rowling. The
series, named after the main character, includes the adventures of a wizard, Harry Potter and his friends Ronald
Weasly and Hermione Granger. They are students at Hogwarts School of witchcraft. The main story describes Lord
Voldemort, who wants to become immortal and conquer the wizard world. He wants to destroy all people who
stand on his way, especially Harry Potter. About 500 million copies of the book have been sold so far. Books are
precious treasure and best friends of people.
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