Category: geographygeography





The first mentions of Singapore are in the Chinese chronicles of the
3rd century. The island was a stronghold of Shrividzhaya Empire,
centered in Sumatra, and wore Javanese name Temasek.
Temasek at those times was an important trading center, but
then went into decline. There is very little evidence about the
city Temasek except some archaeological finds.
At the time of independence, Singapore is a small, poor country,
which had to be imported, even fresh water and building sand.
Neighbouring countries were set unfriendly, and a third of the
population sympathized with the Communists. At the time, the ruler
of Singapore was Lee Kuan Yew. He strongly promoted their country in
economic terms.


Nowadays Singapore is a
parliamentary republic. The executive
power is vested in the cabinet led by
the prime minister, the president does
more representative role, but in some
cases it may veto a critical decision.
Singapore is a member of
international organizations such as
the Commonwealth of Nations, the
UN, the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN), the AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
forum. Diplomatic relations with
Russia (USSR) were established in


The crime rate in Singapore is one
of the lowest in the world, with
the laws in Singapore quite severe
(including those provided and the
death penalty).
Manifestations of ethnic hostility
and hatred are punishable
(recognized even discussions on
the Internet).
Some crimes are punishable by
beating with sticks. Particularly
brutal murder and drug trafficking
are punishable by death by
In the period from 1991 to 2004,
400 death sentences were
executed - this is one of the
highest rates in the world.


Singapore is multi-religious country. 40% of the
population practices Buddhism. Most Chinese people
follow to traditional beliefs, which combine Taoism,
Confucianism, Buddhism and the ancient animism.
Most Muslims - Malays, Islam are also practiced by
other nations. Christianity holds 14% of the
population is presented as Catholicism and other
religions, in particular, Orthodoxy, Methodism,
Presbyterianism and the Assemblies of God.
After serious ethnic conflict which broke out in
Singapore in 1960, the government has to carefully
monitor the ethnic relations and proclaimed the
principle of harmony, which is followed by education,
housing, military and other social spheres.


National language for historical
reasons is the Malay language,
and the national anthem is sung
Majulah Singapura in Malay. The
official languages are English,
Mandarin, Malay and Tamil. Since
independence, the administration
is actively using English. Scale
campaign "Speak Mandarin" was
held to combine all the dialects of
Chinese. Many ads, newspapers
and publications are printed in
English and Chinese.


Clarke Quay Key was named after Sir
Andrew Clarke, Singapore's second
governor. Warehouses of the XIX century
dragged along the quay and belonged
mostly to the Chinese.
In the early 1990s, this area has attracted
the attention of urban planners and has
been transformed into a compact complex
of shops, pubs, floating restaurants and
craft shops.
With this waterfront organize excursions
on the river on pleasure boats.
Also there was filmed a famous film “The
pirates of the Caribbean Sea: At World’s
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