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What are robots dangerous for people?





Already, robots are able to
entertain children in the
absence of parents. One day
we will entrust them with the
upbringing of our children. It
would seem, well, what's
terrible about this - the robot
will feed, and put you to bed,
and even read a fairy tale.He
will do everything that he does
not have time for from his
parents. But in the future,
raising a robot is fraught with a
problem.If children
communicate with robots, and
not with parents or peers, it is
unknown how this will affect
their psyche and the most
important process of childhood
– socialization.


Scientists have already
taught robots to cheat. A
similar experiment was
conducted by researchers
from the Georgia Institute
of Technology. scientists
are wondering: if a robot
can deceive the enemy,
will it suddenly use its
abilities against those
who created it? Given
that the developers of
robots rely on their selflearning, then in the
future robots will be able
to learn to cheat to
achieve their goals


Cambridge University
admits the possibility
of a war between
man and machine.
perhaps the
machines will gain
intelligence and
Naturally, the
interests of robots
are unlikely to
coincide with the
interests of humans.
Let's hope that
scientists will be able
to save humanity.


The fastest man —
Jamaican track and
field athlete Usain
Bolt - has 8 Olympic
gold medals. But
even he will not be
able to overtake the
four-legged Cheetah
robot developed by
Boston Dynamics.
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