Category: englishenglish

Your heart goes, out to someone


your heart goes
out to someone
искренне сочувствовать кому-либо, жалеть кого-либо


to break
one’s heart
разбивать чье-то сердце, испытывать чувство горечи


to have a
heart of stone
быть бессердечным, бесчувственным


to wear one's
heart on one’s
показывать свои чувства,
не скрывать своих чувств


Sitting on a cozy winter evening, Rebecca watched
the series. Nothing could distract her from watching.
The plot was very exciting. A story about a young
couple in which the girl believed that the guy had a
heart of stone. He tried to prove otherwise. He started to
wear one's heart on one’s sleeve. She believed him, but
in the end he broke one’s heart and break off relations.
Rebecca was amazed at the unfolding events and sat
watching the series all night.
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