geographical position of Italy
Flag of Italy
emblem of Italy
Religion Italy
Sport in Italy
holidays of Italy
big cities of Italy
Money Italy
Italian cuisine
italian people
Italian President
Wonders of the World Italy
Category: geographygeography


1. Italy

Prepared by the pupil
of the 7th form
Mamou Hivin

2. geographical position of Italy

Founded March 17, 1861
The official language is
Capital Rome
The largest of Rome, Milan,
Naples, Turin, Palermo,
Genoa, Bologna, Florence,
Bari, Catania, Venice.


The official name of the country is Italy.
It is situated in the Europe. It is
washed Medetterania sea.

4. Flag of Italy

For the first time the Italian tricolor
appeared on January 7, 1797 in Aemilia
as a flag of the republic proclaimed
Giuseppe Kompanyoni. During Napoleon's
board the flag also was used as a symbol
of the French revolution.
After the Vienna Congress and
Restoration the tricolor remained a
symbol of freedom and was used in
revolutionary movements of 1831 and
In the 12th article of the Constitution of
Italy it is said that "the flag of Italy — is a
tricolor, green, white and red in the form
of three equal vertical strips".

5. emblem of Italy

The official emblem of the Republic of
Italy was published by the President of
Italy of Enrico de Nikola on May 5, 1948.
The sketch of an emblem was made by
artist Paolo Pasketto.
The emblem contains a white fivepointed star with the red edges, imposed
on a cogwheel with five spokes, standing
between an olive branch at the left and
oak on the right. Green branches are
connected together by a red tape with an
inscription the "Republic of Italy" (ital.

6. Religion Italy

ChristianityThe most widespread religion
in Italy - it is Christianity. Most Italians
are Roman Catholic, almost 90% of the
population identify themselves as
Catholics. In Italy there are also other
Christian denominations: Orthodox almost 1.3 million people (primarily by
immigrants from Romania, Ukraine,
Moldova and other countries), Protestants
- about 750,000 (Pentecostals,
Waldenses, Baptists, Lutherans). Jewish,
the oldest community in Italy today has
about 36,000 people. In addition, the
Mormon community includes
approximately 22,000 faithful, about
243,400 residents of Italy are members of
the "Jehovah's Witnesses' sect.

7. Sport in Italy

The most popular sport in Italy - this is
definitely soccer, followed by volleyball
and basketball, rugby, cycling, athletics,
fencing, water sports (swimming, water
polo, diving) and, finally, auto and motor
sports.Italy national football team is one
of the most renowned in the world, on
account of its victory in four World Cups
(1934, 1938, 1982, 2006) and in the
European Championship in 1968 and a
gold medal, obtained in the Olympic
Games in Berlin in 1936, two bronze - at
the Olympic Games in Amsterdam in 1928
and in Athens in 2004. Italy itself twice
held the FIFA World Cup: in 1934 and in
1990, as well as the European
championships: in 1968 and in 1980. Many
Italian teams are the holders of
international awards, such as "Milan" and
"Juventus" (the most titled club in the
country) on today won a total of 38
awards and are among the ten best
European football clubs.


The state capital — Rome. The country is
divided into 20 areas. The population of
Italy makes about fifty seven million
people. The area is about three thousand
square kilometers.


Official languages of Italy are considered
English and Italian

10. holidays of Italy

On January 1 — New year
On January 6 — Epiphany
On March 8 — the International Women's
On April 21 — Day of the basis of Rome
On April 25 — Day of release from fascism
and the German occupation
On May 1 — a work Holiday
On June 2 — Day of declaration of the
Republic Italy
On August 15 — Ferragosto
On November 2 — All Saints' Day, Day of
On December 8 — Virgin Mary's
On December 25 — Christmas
On December 26 — Day of Sacred Stephan

11. big cities of Italy

Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin, Palermo,
Genoa, Bologna, Florence, Bari, Catania,


13. Money Italy

The Italian lira was the result of the
reform of the Emperor Charlemagne
around 780-790 years, which resulted in
the former outstanding Roman gold
solidus were replaced by silver
Carolingian denarius. Carolingian
denarius contained 1.76 grams of silver
of 95-th test, which is about 1.67 grams
of pure silver and was a coin embossing,
single and single for the whole empire. At
the same time as countable units (but not
coins) used the concept of "Solid" (= 12
denarii) and the "Lira" (= 240 denarii or
20 solidi), with either the solid or lyre
really as coins were not issued. The word
comes from the Latin lyre. libra - pound
corresponded to about 410 grams.

14. Italian cuisine

Kitchen Italians, unlike the suit, has not
changed. Total for it - the popularity of
pasta, rice, cheese and sea fruits. Pasta
(Italian - pasta) are about 30 species -.
Spaghetti vermichelli, bucatini,
tagliatelle, etc. There are also many
varieties of cheese -rikotto, modzarella,
pecorino it.d. rice dishes can be
prepared with different spices, and
called risotto. For dessert, the fruit is
widely used. But still, each area is
famous for some their dish. In Liguria buridda, fish, cooked in oil with herbs. In
Lombardy - buzekka, tripe soup. In
Umbria - madzafegati, sausages from
pork liver. In Venice - Risi e Bisi, rice with
peas. In Rome - gnocchi alla romana,
gnocchi made from potatoes. Naples the birthplace of the world-famous pizza.
Now it is sold all over the world, there is
a special cafe - pizzeria. Gnocchi dumplings.Pappardelle - noodles, cut into
wide strips.Tortellini - small square
dumplings.Penne - thick short pasta, in
the form of diamond.Talyattele - long flat
noodles.Fettuccine - thin noodles. the
cost of "typical" dinner ~ 20 EUR

15. italian people

The Italians (Italian: italiani.) - The
people Romance language group, the
general population of Italy. The total
number - 75-80 million (2008). In Italy,
home to 60 million Italians. Italian
minorities live in the United States (8,515 million cm. Italian Americans),
Argentina (1.35 million), France (1.1
million), Croatia (19 ths.), Monaco (16%),
San Marino (19%), Slovenia (0.1%),
Belgium (0.5%), Germany (. 500
thousand) The majority of the Italian
population - Catholics, though the
number of atheists is growing recently. In
the history of Catholicism has played a
very important role for the Italians, as
there was, and is Holy See. The center of
Rome is located a mini-state - the
Vatican, the center of the Catholic
Church. Language - Italian. The exact
number of Italians and Italian descent is
difficult to calculate.

16. Italian President

Sergio Mattarella. July 23, 1941,
Palermo, Sicily) - Italian jurist and
politician, a member of the six Italian
government compounds in 1987-1990 and
1998-2001, the judge of the
Constitutional Court of Italy (2011-2015),
12th president of the Italian (c 3
February 2015 ).

17. Wonders of the World Italy

Colosseum (from the Latin colosseus -. A
huge, huge), or the Flavian Amphitheatre
(Latin: Amphitheatrum Flavium.) Amphitheater arhitekturyDrevnego
monument of Rome, the most famous and
one of the most spectacular buildings of
the ancient world that have survived to
our time [1]. Located in Rome, in the
hollow between the Esquiline, Palatine
and Tselievskim hills.Construction of the
biggest amphitheater in all the ancient
world, with a capacity of over 50
thousand. Man, was conducted for eight
years, as a collective construction of the
Flavian dynasty of emperors. He began to
build in 72 BC. e. under the Emperor
Vespasian, and in 80 BC. e. amphitheater
was consecrated by the Emperor Titus.
The amphitheater is located at the place
where there was a pond, belongs to
Golden House of Nero.
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