
Stephen Edwin King


Stephen Edwin King
Выполнили: Куприянова Злата,
Жизнякова Софья, Архипова Ксения


The Life of Stephen King
Stephen Edwin King (born September 21, 1947, in
Portland, Maine, USA) is an American writer who
works in a variety of genres, including horror, thriller,
science fiction, and fantasy. His father worked in the
merchant navy, and his mother was a servant. Soon,
the father abandoned his young son and wife. My
mother had no choice but to invent stories about how
my father was stolen by aliens.


Вот как это сделать:
Stephen went to college. As a high school student,
King was at a loss for what he would do in the future.
One moment he wanted to become a university
student, the next he was going to join the number of
volunteers in Vietnam to witness interesting facts for
his future works. The fact that he will devote himself to
writing, the guy decided a long time ago. My mother
managed to convince Stephen to abandon the idea of
Vietnam, as in addition to poor health, he also had poor


■ He continued his studies in college, and began active preparation for
university. In addition, he found work in a weaving factory. The guy
understood that he had to earn money to study at the university. He
was put to glue packaging containers and load them into containers.
When there was no work, the guy fought with the rats that inhabited
the basement.
■ In 1966, King became a student at the University of Maine. The guy
chose English literature as his specialty. At the same time, he received
an education at a teacher training college


The Best Books by Stephen King
Among the many books by Stephen King, we have
selected the best in our opinion:
• Carrie
• Talisman
• Radiance
• Black House
• Dead zone
• It


Our favorite book
Among all the books by
Stephen King, we liked the
book "Pet Cemetery" the most"


Film adaptation based on the stories of Stephen King


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