
MAZE-mania: a hard way to homework!


MAZE-mania: a hard way to
Don’t touch the black bars
The key opens locked doors
Click on it, to get your secret home task
Your mission is to pass the maze and
get a prize, a secret home task!
Use your
mouse and
take the
cyclist to the
prize symbol



I am okay, I
am okay…
Oops! You are
off your bike!


Take a print screen
Secret Home Task
Past Simple
Make a negative sentence in Past Simple
Choose the correct answer
Translate the
From English to
Russian, from Russian
to English
1. Fred ____ the window, it was Tom.
a. didn’t bring | b. didn’t burn| c. didn’t break
2. Bradley ___ 200 meters in the pool.
a. flew| b. swam| c. fought
3. _____ to Greece last summer?
a. Did you swim| b. Did you run| c. Did you fly
4. This sculpture ___ the first academic award.
a. got | b. bought | c. taught
5. Math ___ his favorite subject at school.
a. were | b. was | c. froze
6. Sean ___ a fashionable woolen sweater
a. held | b. wore | c. forgave
Make a question in Past Simple
1. Who built pyramids
in Egypt?
2. Зачем ты повесил
эту странную
картину на стену?
3. When did you
learn this song?
4. Какой цвет ты
выбрала для
своей комнаты?
5. What did you find
in that box?
English     Русский Rules