Categories: englishenglish ecologyecology

Going green


Module 5
Going green



* Wrappers
* Buckets
* Drains
* Seals
* Sea lions
* Curious
* Injury
* Stops
* Обертки
* Ковши
* Стоки
* Печати
* Морские львы
* Любопытный
* Травма
* Остановки


* Turtles
* Jellyfish
* Fills up
* Threatened
* Endangered species
* propellers
* Черепахи
* Медуза
* Заполняется
* Под угрозой
* исчезающих виды
* Пропеллеры


* broken glass
* fishing net
* drinks cans.
* plastic bags
* plastic buckets & spades
* beach
* food wrappers


* broken glass ― There might be broken glass in
the sand, although I can’t see it. It would be
very dangerous for the people on the beach.
* fishing net ― Sometimes you can find pieces of
fishing nets on the beach. It makes the beach
look very dirty. They can injure animals, too.
* drinks cans ― People drink soft drinks from
cans and not everyone throws them in the bin
when they are finished.


* plastic bags ― People bring food in plastic bags. If
they leave them behind they are dangerous to
animals. ñ
* plastic buckets & spades ― People use them to build
sandcastles but they can be left behind very easily.
Sometimes you can find them lying on the beach,
making it very untidy.
* beach balls ― Another fun toy you can find on any
beach. When they burst, nobody wants them and
they are left behind on the beach.
* food wrappers ― People often leave them behind
causing litter.




* 1 Marine litter is litter such as food wrappers,
cigarette ends, drinks cans and toys that are
left behind by the many thousands of people
that visit beaches every year. It can also come
from ships, fishermen, drains and factories


* 2 Marine mammals can get mixed up in marine
* litter, which can cause injury and stop them
* from escaping from their enemies. Also,
* some birds, fish and mammals eat marine
* litter. This fills their digestive system,
* making them feel full and they starve.


* 3 Marine litter can harm people as they can cut
themselves on glass or metal.


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