
My family


My family


Grandfather (grandpa, granddad) — дедушка
Grandmother (grandma, granny) — бабушка
Father (dad) — отец
Mother (mom)— мама
Sister — сестра
Brother — брат
Son — сын
Daughter — дочь
Uncle — дядя
Aunt – тётя
Cousin – двоюродный брат/двоюродная сестра


• Parents – родители
• Nephew – племянник
• Niece - племянница
• Grandchildren - внуки


• My father is a doctor. He is strong and clever. – Мой отец доктор. Он
сильный и умный
• My mother is a teacher. She likes children and she likes to read books. – Моя
мама учитель. Она любит детей и любит читать книги
• My granny doesn’t work. She is pensioner. She tells very interesting fairy
tales. – Моя бабушка не работает. Она пенсионерка. Она рассказывает
очень интересные сказки
• I have a sister. She is a university student. She likes sports. – У меня есть
сестра. Она студентка университета. Она любит спорт.


My family is not big. There are four of us: my father, my mother, my
brother and I. My father is a doctor, he treats people. He likes his work
very much. Also he is fond of taking pictures. My mother is an economist.
She likes mathematics. When she has some free time, she cooks very
tasty cakes. We always help her all around the house. My brother is a
university student. He is learning to be a doctor like our father. He is also
a good sportsman, he plays tennis and football. My name is Alex, I am a
pupil. I also like sport and reading books. I like when our family gets
together. Then we discuss films and books, listen to the music. On
weekends we visit our grandparents. In summer we go to the seaside or
to the mountains. I love my family very much. It is the best family in the


• Write a text about your family. (Написать небольшой рассказ о семье,
пример 4 слайд)
• P. 26 ex. 65. (письменно в тетради)
• P.27 ex. 70. (наизусть)
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