Category: englishenglish

The Secret





You've probably been wondering, "What is The Secret?" We all work with one infinite
power. We all guide ourselves by exactly the same laws. We're all working with one
power, one great law. The Secret of life is the law of attraction! Everything that's
coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it's attracted to you by virtue of
the images you're holding in your mind. It's what you're thinking. Whatever is going on
in your mind you are attracting to you.
"Every thought of yours is a real thing – a force." Prentice Mulford
The greatest teachers who have ever lived have told us that the law of attraction is the
most powerful law in the Universe.
Poets such as William Shakespeare, Robert Browning, and William Blake delivered it in
their poetry. Musicians such as Ludwig van Beethoven expressed it through their
music. Artists such as Leonardo da Vinci depicted it in their paintings. Great thinkers
including Socrates, Plato, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Pythagoras, Sir Francis Bacon, Sir
Isaac Newton, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and Victor Hugo shared it in their writings
and teachings.
Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and civilizations, such as the
ancient Babylonians and Egyptians, delivered it through their writings and stories.
Recorded throughout the ages in all its forms, the law can be found in ancient writings
through all the centuries. It was recorded in stone in 3000 BC. The law began at the
beginning of time. It has always been and will always be. You are the one who calls the
law of attraction into action, and you do it through your thoughts.


In 1912 Charles Haanel described the law of attraction as "the
greatest and the most infallible law upon which the entire system of
creation depends." The law responds to your thoughts, no matter
what they may be. Our job is to hold on to the positive thoughts of
what we want. This principle can be summed up in three simple
words: Thoughts become things!
Unfortunately most people are thinking about what they don't want,
and they're wondering why it shows up over and over again.
The only reason why people do not have what they want is because
they are thinking more about what they don't want than what they
do want. For example: when a person focuses on being late and
nervously says to himself "I don’t want to be late" and will be late.
The negative vibrations of his thoughts immediately spread into the
universe, and it fulfills his desire and doesn’t take into account the
words "I do not want". Listen to your thoughts, and listen to the
words you are saying. The law is absolute and there are no
mistakes. Why instead of "I don’t want to be late" you don’t think
"I'll arrive on time and everything is fine with me."
Like attracts like that! Learn to think only positively!!!!!!


Let’s assume that we have learned our lesson
about the law. Let’s dream, say to yourself
"everything is fine and everything around me is
wonderful", express positive emotions, so that
they will help you to experience the positive
attitude of thoughts, because bad emotions, such
as anger, hatred, revenge and others, can’t help
you to form a positive wish. With them you will
gain for yourself only what you do not want again
and again. Dream about beautiful things, and you
will see the result!!!


To ask
Make a command to
the Universe. Let
the Universe know
what you want. The
Universe responds
to your thoughts.
You get to choose
what you want, but
you must get clear
about what you
want. This is your
work. If you're not
clear, then the law
of attraction cannot
bring you what you
want. You will be
sending out a mixed
frequency and you
can only attract
mixed results.
To believe
Believe that it's
already yours.
Have what I love to
call unwavering
faith. Believe in the
unseen. You must
believe that you
have received. You
must know that
what you want is
yours the moment
you ask. You must
have complete and
utter faith. If you
had placed an
order from a
catalogue you
would relax and
know you are
going to receive
what you ordered,
and get on with
your life.
To receive
To be grateful
Begin to feel
about it. Feel
the way you
will feel once it
In this process
it's important to
feel good, to be
happy, because
when you're
feeling good
you're putting
yourself in the
frequency of
what you want.
A fast way to
get yourself on
that frequency
is to say, "I am
receiving now. I
am receiving all
the good in my
life, now."
Thank the Universe
with your bright
thoughts for taking
care of you, and
make it a habit to feel
the feelings of
gratitude for all the
wonderful things that
you have every day.
"That a man can
change himself... and
master his own
destiny is the
conclusion of every
mind who is wideawake to the power
of right thought."
Christian D. Larson


Results of survey
Adults (34 persons)
Children (27 persons)
problems at work
dream about new toys
financial problems
that mom and dad were
dream to quickly grow up
and become rich and
influential person
problems in society
desire to gain good grades


I would like to sum up the results
of my project. I am completely
confident that our thoughts
become things, and The Law of
Attraction works like clock-work,
just think about that. Learning to
think positively is our duty, for
the sake of our future, our
present, for our own sake!
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