Dian Fossey. Spotlight on Exam 7
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Categories: biographybiography englishenglish

Dian Fossey

1. Dian Fossey. Spotlight on Exam 7



Dian Fossey.
Dian Fossey loved animals, trained as an occupational therapist and worked miracles with disabled
children. /A/ After reading some books by George Schalles she decided to save up and go to Africa for 6 weeks
to see the wildlife. When she first saw some mountain gorillas she became fascinated with them and began
watching and recording their behaviour. She went home, studied to become a zoologist, and then returned to
Africa to spend the rest of her life studying mountain gorillas.
/B/One day, a young male gorilla she named Peanuts, came over and touched her hand. After some time,
Dian earned their trust and was able to sit with the gorillas and play with them and their babies.
Dian’s favourite gorilla was a young male named Digit. /C/The poachers were locals making money from
selling the hands, heads and feet of the gorillas. They sold their heads as wall decorations, and hands and feet
as ashtrays. Several other gorillas met the same fate. Dian declared war on the poachers. Unfortunately, she
was so outspoken that she became a target for violence.
On December 26th, 1985, she was found murdered in her cabin. She was buried in the cemetery next to
her beloved gorillas. She was 53 years old. /D/
What happened to Dian’s beloved gorillas is what can happen to all animals whose parts are used to
make souvenirs. So, be aware and never bring back any exotic gifts along with your beautiful memories.
Buying souvenirs made from ivory, animal skins, teeth, bones, coral or turtle shells endangers animals and
keeps poachers in business. Don’t help drive innocent animals to extinction.
Tragically, on New Year’s Day, 1978, Dian found he had been killed by poachers.
She didn’t have any children herself.
Over time, Dian came to know the gorillas as individuals and gave them all names.
Her killer, probably a poacher, was never found.
However, she had always had a desire to see more of the world.
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Spotlight on Exam 7. Task 1
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Spotlight on Exam 7. Task 2
The first day of April ___________________ in KNOW
England as All Fools’ Day, or April Fools’ Day or,
in some northern districts as April Noddy Day.
In Scotland and along the border it ______
Huntigowk Day or Gowkin’ Day.
Other countries have other names for this
cheerful anniversary on which, by timehonored and widespread custom, any person,
young or old, important or otherwise, may be
_________ an April Fool between the hours of MAKE
midnight and noon.
Children are, of course, very keen supporters
of the traditions although some of the _____
practical jokes perpetrated on this day cannot
be laid at their door.
Their victims ____ of all types and ages- other BE
children, parents, school teachers, tradesmen,
friends, or any one else unwary enough to fail
into their well- laid traps.
Most of their tricks are far from original, and
many _____ so often that they have now become USE
traditional, yet they succeed again and again,
and will probably go on doing so for a long time
to come.
One is to tell someone that his shoe- lace ____, UNDO
or his tie is crooked, or that something else is
wrong with his dress, when in fact all is in order.


Spotlight on Exam 7. Task 3
1 ________ of the USA, South Korea and REPRESENT
2 Japan conduct talks in Tokyo on _____ SUPPLY
the KPDR (North Korea) with modern
3 technology for nuclear power _______. ENGINEER
A spokesman of the South Korea Foreign
4 Ministry reports that ____ progress had CONSIDER
5 been achieved in _______ the problem, SOLVE
6 including the ______ of a consortium, ESTABLISH
which would concentrate on supplying
nuclear reactors of a South Korean type
to the KPDR.

6. Задания на контроль. (прислать по электронной почте) [email protected] до 29 апреля 20-00

В данной презентации представлены сразу два задания для
двух уроков.
1. Выполните задание по тексту про Диану Фосси.
2. Выполните упр. Spotlight on Exam 7.(1-3)
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