



Overall it looks amazing, very realistic and artistic.
Since this image is for a scientific paper, we need to see those devices more clearly. Reducing the sky area and increasing
sea area could help.
• It is hard to see underwater sensors attached to buoys.
• One buoy is enough ( the one in the middle), but it has to be attached to many sensors underwater. Please attach
underwater sensors to reefs, giant clams and sponges if possible.
• We need to show that buoy is communicating with the cellular network on the coast. It is ok if it does not look
2)“Marine skin” and 3)“wireless data acquisition tags”
• It is hard to differentiate which animals are wearing “marine skin”
and which one “wireless data acquisition tag”. Wireless acquisition
tag has to look like this image
• There needs to be GSM server on the coast and floating receivers as
in the image


4)Optical communication
• Please include a ship on the surface of water and ROV as shown here
5)Molcular sensor
• Please include 2 fishes with no sensors. I will add sensors there myself as a
zoom-in picture
Please try to group each technology. For example fish with marine skin are on the right, optical sensors on the left ,
buoy in the middle and so on
Such that I could easily indicate which sensor belongs to which technology using words , arrows and boxes
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