Category: englishenglish

Zero conditional. Present simple


Zero Conditional
100% истина
(общепринятые или научные факты)
(If/When Present Simple), [ Present Simple]
If you mix yellow and blue, you get green.


Complete the zero conditional sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.
1. If people (not drink), they (die).
2. If you (eat) bad food, your health (become) worse.
3. If you (not feel) well, you (go) to the doctor.
4. If babies (be) hungry, they (cry).
5. If I (be) thirsty, I always (drink) fresh water.
6. If Tom (have) a birthday party, he usually (invite) a lot of friends.


1-st Conditional
реальная/вероятная ситуация в будущем
Present Simple), [
Future Simple]
can, must, may + V1
If Tom comes home early, we will go to the cinema.
If they don’t hurry, they will be late.
unless = if not
Unless they hurry, they will be late.


В придаточном предложении (после if) не
используются will, would или should.
После if можно использовать should, когда мы
подчеркиваем неуверенность в возможности
If I see him, I’ll give it to him. (Возможно, я увижу его)
If I should see him, I’ll give it to him. (Не уверен, что увижу)


Present Simple), [
Future Simple]
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