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Harry Potter. Joanne Rowling
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JOANNE ROWLINGJoanne Row ling w as born on 31st July
1965. The young Jo g rew up
surrounded by books. “I live d for
books,’’ she has
said. “I was your basic com mon -or g arden bookw orm , com plete w ith
freckles and National Health
spectacles. ”
She w rote her first book at the ag e of six – a story about a rabbit,called ‘Rabbit ’. At just eleven, she w rote her first novel – about sev e n
cursed diam onds and the people w ho ow ned them . Jo conce iv e d the
idea of Harry Potter in 1990 w hile sitting on a
delayed train from M anchester to L ondon King’s Cross. Over the next
five years, she beg an to m ap out all seven books of the se r ie s.
Having com pleted the full m anuscript, she sent t he first thre echapters to a num ber of literary ag ents, one o f w hom w rote b ack
asking to see the rest of it. She says it w as “the best letter I had ever
received in m y life . ”
The boo k w as fir st published by Bloom sbury Children’s Boo k s in June
1997, under the nam e J. K. Row ling .
The book w as published in the US by Scholastic under a diffe re nt title(ag ain at the publisher ’s request), Harry Potter and the Sorce re r ’s
Stone, in 1998. Six further titles follow ed in the Harry Potte r se r ie s,
each achieving record -breaking success.
FILM ADAPTATIONSIn 2001, the film adaptation of the first book was released by Warner
Bros., and was followed by six more book adaptations, concluding with
the release of the eighth film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, in 2011.
T h e books con ce rn a w izard calle d H arry
P ot t e r an d h is jou rn e y t h rou gh H ogw art s
S ch ool of Wit ch craft an d Wizardry . T h e
s t orie s t e ll of h im ov e rcomin g dan ge rou s
obs t acle s t o de fe at t h e D ark w izard L ord
V olde mort w h o kille d h is pare n t s w h e n
H arry w as 1 5 mon t h s old.
• H arry Potter and the
Pholosopher 's Stone .
• H arry Potter and the Cham be r
of Secrets.
• H arry Potter and the Pr isone r
of Azkaban.
• H arry Potter and the G oble t of
• H arry Potter and the O rde n of
the Phoenix
• H arry Potter and the H alf Blood Prince
• H arry Potter and the De atly
H allow s
Harry James Potter (b. 31 July 1980) was an English
half-blood[2] wizard, one of the most famous
wizards of modern times. He was the only child and
son of James and Lily Potter (née Evans), both
members of the original Order of the Phoenix.
His parents were murdered by Lord Voldemort, but
Harry survived and that 's why everyone called him
" The boy who lived".
On his eleventh birthday, Harry learned that he was
a wizard. He began attending Hogwarts in 1991 and
was Sorted into Gryffindor House.
HERMIONE GRANGERHerm ione Jean G rang er (b. 19
September, 1979) w as an English
M ug g le -born w itch born to M r and M rs
G rang er. At the ag e of eleven, she
le arned about her m ag ical nature and
w as accepted into Hog w arts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry. Herm ione
be g an attending Hog w arts in 1991 and
w as Sorted into G ryffindor House. She
possessed a brilliant academ ic m ind
and proved to be a g ifted student in
alm ost every subject that she studied.
RON WEASLEYRonald Bilius " Ron" Weasley (b. 1
March, 1980) is an English pure -blood
w izard, the six th and young est son of
Arthur and M olly Weasley (née
Prew ett).
R on beg an attending Hog w arts School
of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1991 and
w as Sorted into G ryffindor H ouse. H e
soon becam e close friends w ith fellow
student Harry Potter and later
Herm ione G rang er.
TOM RIDDLETom M arvolo Riddle
(31 December 1926 – 2 M ay 1998),
later know n as L ord Voldem ort or,
alternatively as You -Know -Who, He Who -M ust -Not-Be -Nam ed, or the Dark
L ord, w as an Eng lish half -blood w izard
considered to have been the most
pow erful and dang erous Dark Wizard
of all tim e.
H e w as am ong st the g reatest w izards
to have ever lived, often
considered to be the second most
pow erful w izard in history, his only
superior being Albus Dum bledore. a
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