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Слушателя курсов повышения квалификации попрограмме:
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14. Отзывы
«Мне понравился слайд про Муму.Памятник очень красивый и милый.»
© Беломоева Алёна 6 ”Б”
«Презентация мне очень понравилась. Это было
очень познавательное виртуальное путешествие.
Мне кажется, что эту тему про памятники надо
продолжить и расширить.»
© Рохина Катя 6 “Б”
«Много нового узнал о “Bank Bridge”.
Мне очень понравился слайд с
собачкой по имени Муму. Спасибо за
© Чечков Иван 6 “Б”
16. Технология «Портфолио»
Hi, my name is Ivan Vagin. I really like myname, in Hebrew it means "grace
of God" and it is a typical name for the
Slavic people.
I am 10 years old, soon to be 11. My
birthday falls on a known date - April 22.
Before this day was celebrated as the day of
the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin,
famous political figure of Russia.
I have brown hair and blue eyes. I'm quite
tall for my age - 152 cm. I think that
by nature I am a good-natured, sympathetic
and sociable.
17. Технология «Портфолио»
We study at school number 530. It is situated inthe centre of our town. We spend most of our
time there because we usually have 6 lessons
every day. School plays a great role in our life
because without being educated 14 i s difficult
to be successful in our life.
"Knowledge is power" as the
proverb goes. School teaches us both –
academic subjects and practical skills. We
study Maths, Russian language, Literature,
Science, History, Biology and we have 3 English
lessons a week. Our favorites subjects are PE
Lessons, Russian, Literature.
We like to read books very much. We like our
class. We help each other. We can say we are
happy at school.
ПроектыOur planet in 10 years
Stop factories from
polluting water
Medicine and electronic
Stop crime, terrorism, wars
Recycle glass, paper and
We must save our planet !!!
by Irina Sokolova
Thinking about your future
I am really optimistic about the
future. In my opinion our planet
will be very nice, because
people study love nature, save
endangered animals, plants,
trees. We can travel all over the
world, because all towns will
unite in one country.
I think about progress in
different areas: medicine and
electronic technology, space,
discoveries. We can make
cures for AIDS, cancer and for
serious diseases.
I believe that we won’t have a
lot of serious problems such as
crime, terrorism, wars. We’ll
have a good time for rest and
We can stop cutting down and
destroying the trees, we should
stop factories from polluting
rivers, lakes and oceans. We
must create wildlife parks to
protect endangered animals.
We should recycle glass, paper
and aluminum to have less
We must save our planet!
21. Заключение
Использование активных методовобучения, современных технологий
способствует творческой деятельности
учащихся, которая создает условия для
взаимообогащающего общения как на
родном, так и на английском языке. Ибо,
как писал Ш. Амонашвили «Творчество
детей – условие становления их личности».