"Volunteering as a social work resource»

Volunteering as a social work resource

1. "Volunteering as a social work resource»

"Volunteering as a
social work
Made by Grakhova

2. Introduction.

• The volunteer movement is part of
social responsibility and the highest
manifestation of a developed national
• Today, volunteering is an important
resource of social work, volunteers
form a system of assistance and
mutual assistance in society,
performing a large amount of work.


• The object of work is the resources of social work.
• The subject of the work is volunteering as a resource of
social work.
• The purpose of the work is to study and scientifically
substantiate volunteering as a resource of social work.
• In accordance with this goal, its objectives were
• 1. To characterize the essence of the volunteer
• 2. Some statistics about volunteering movement.
• 2. Consider volunteer communities in Kazakhstan.
• 3. To tell about the community "League of volunteers", of
which I am a member.

4. Volunteer movement: essence, basic characteristic features

• Volunteering today is a powerful social
movement that has its own organizations
in all countries of the world, but has long
outgrown both national borders and the
scope of volunteer work.


• 1. Volunteering - disinterested (it is assumed that there is no
monetary reward), voluntary work to solve socially
significant problems.
• 2. Volunteering as an integral sociocultural phenomenon
has its roots, historical causes of occurrence, due to social
life itself at different periods of its development.
• 3. Volunteer work has always been a response to the
existing reality, the changes of a problematic nature that
were difficult to solve by the government alone.
• 4. The volunteer movement also received its modern
development in connection with a growing number of social
problems, in which the volunteers are indispensable in the
current economic situation
• 5. The areas of distribution and functions of volunteering are
quite diverse. It is used to solve problems in the social
sphere (assistance to orphans, the elderly, the disabled),
ecology and the environment, healthcare, education, and


• 6. The functions of volunteering are quite diverse,
but equally significant for the development of
society as a whole.
• 7. Volunteering is an inexhaustible source of
morality, a translator of values, a solid foundation
for building a civil society, and subsequently a rule
of law state, a chance for each individual to
realize his intellectual creativity.

7. Volunteering in different countries of the world.

8. Volunteering and volunteer organizations in Kazakhstan.

• 1. White Bim is the first shelter for homeless animals
organized by volunteers in Almaty.
• 2. "To help people, you don’t have to be a Superhero. It’s
enough to remain human!" - This is the slogan and life
position of another volunteer team "SOS ALMATY“.
• 3. The Zhakiya Charitable Foundation volunteer
• 4. The Voluntary Society Charity Public Foundation.
• 5. The Volunteer Club «Мейірім» in Aktobe.
• 6. «The League of Volunteers». The organization of likeminded people united by a desire to help and make this
world a better place.

9. «The League of Volunteers»

• I am a member of this organization
• Volunteers League was created on June 4, 2014 in Almaty.
• 2015 - creating a base of volunteers and setting up the
structure of the organization, conducting various projects.
• 2016 -1000 good deeds. Conducting a social campaign
dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the city of Almaty.
• 2017 - Universiade. About 3 thousand volunteers were
involved. Expo Astana. 900 volunteers from the city of
Almaty were involved.
• 2019 - «Ашық жүрек» is a social project aimed at helping
people in need in 8 directions.
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